Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


rftools builder won't place saplings anymore after update to 0.5.8

DoomSquirter opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Modpack version

Describe the bug
I had a 2 builder mega spruce tree farm going in 0.5.6 no issues

just noticed that the saplings aren't being placed. I grabbed the shape card out, reset it's coordinates and put it back in builder and it just does nothing. changed the soil from podzol to dirt (it'll change anyways to podzol) and still won't place. I tried placing saplings in a different part of my base, still nothing.

Input pastebin link to crash-report or latest.log, if applicable.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.



again, worked fine before. now it doesn't. I have > 1 million charcoal to prove it :)

edit: in total, 2 builders, one shape card, one quarry card, one router with pickup upgrade, one pedestal with fertilize upgrade underneath it all. one ultimate smelting factory to cook wood into charcoal.


damnit, I was about to take another pic to show that saplings grow fine if manually placed, which I did. and for shits and giggles, turned on the builder with shape card on and boom, it placed the saplings now. /tableflip

NO clue! sorry to waste your time I guess. don't know what was causing the issue initially. seems to be gone now. closing.


Thanks for the report. Could you please provide screenshots of your farm?