Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Travel Anchor Can't Be Seen through Blocks

MFWalter opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Modpack version

Describe the bug
The Entity Culling mod is blocking the tile entity Travel Anchor from being able to be seen through blocks when using a travel staff or standing on another travel anchor.




Adding "travel_anchors:travel_anchor" in the skipHiddenTileEntityRenderingBlacklist fixes it
Also while we are at Entity Culling:

#Tile entities with a width or height greater than this value will always get rendered.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 128.0
skipHiddenTileEntityRenderingSize = 3.0

Changing this to 128.0 did boost my fps quite a bit while around create blocks
Didnt observe any negative impact of it yet


I don't think the skipHiddenTileEntityRenderingBlacklist config actually does anything, did you experience the same OP?


I just tested it. I edited config/entity_culling-client.toml and changed that entry to this:

skipHiddenTileEntityRenderingBlacklist = ['travel_anchors:travel_anchor']

And now I can see all my travel anchors through the hempcrete floors, and I can look at them while holding the travel staff, turn them from white to orange by looking at them, and teleport right there. So yep, seems to fix it for me.


To be 100% honest. I can see the travel anchors through walls, which mostly defeats their purpose, so I asked in Discord and apparently the issue is known by the Discord community, but had not been reported. So I came here to report it. In the original post I posted the solution Discord gave me, but as I had not actually tested it I edited the post to remove said solution.


I can only see the name through walls, not the block itself. Is that the same for you?


Depends on the block. Through the glass I can see names.
Through the logs and grass blocks I can see neither.
The Travel staff will still take me to the travel anchor without seeing either though.


Alright, I'll mark this is fixed then, working for me, I guess ๐Ÿ˜„