Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Red X when connecting to servers [You can join anyway]

lunulu opened this issue ยท 14 comments


Modpack version
Describe the bug
Installed clean 0.5.9 client and server. On the first attempt to connect, it gave an error, on subsequent attempts everything is fine.



Which error did it give? Could you please provide your latest.log, and preferably the server's latest log? :)


First login attempt:

[08Aug2021 15:57:26.455] [User Authenticator #1/INFO] [net.minecraft.network.login.ServerLoginNetHandler/]: UUID of player Amlife is 3d43b024-fa02-4a43-9704-290d83dd32ac
[08Aug2021 15:57:39.057] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.advancements.PlayerAdvancements@56c8d6d9
[08Aug2021 15:57:39.097] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.management.PlayerList/]: Amlife[/] logged in with entity id 174 at (65.5, 60.0, 58.5)
[08Aug2021 15:57:39.153] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer/]: Amlife joined the game
[08Aug2021 15:57:40.005] [Server thread/INFO] [jecalculation/]: Failed to load default records at C:\Users\fairu\OneDrive\Desktop\Server\config\jecalculation.
[08Aug2021 15:57:40.006] [Server thread/INFO] [se.mickelus.tetra.data.DataManager/]: Sending data to client: Amlife
[08Aug2021 15:57:40.297] [Netty Server IO #5/ERROR] [net.minecraft.command.arguments.ArgumentTypes/]: Could not serialize dev.maxneedssnacks.interactio.command.RegistryArgument@2a03fbf4 (class dev.maxneedssnacks.interactio.command.RegistryArgument) - will not be sent to client!
[08Aug2021 15:57:40.435] [Netty Server IO #5/ERROR] [net.minecraft.command.arguments.ArgumentTypes/]: Could not serialize dev.maxneedssnacks.interactio.command.RegistryArgument@2a03fbf4 (class dev.maxneedssnacks.interactio.command.RegistryArgument) - will not be sent to client!
[08Aug2021 15:57:40.436] [Netty Server IO #5/ERROR] [net.minecraft.command.arguments.ArgumentTypes/]: Could not serialize dev.maxneedssnacks.interactio.command.RegistryArgument@2a03fbf4 (class dev.maxneedssnacks.interactio.command.RegistryArgument) - will not be sent to client!
[08Aug2021 15:58:54.923] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.coremod.CoreMod.apotheosis/COREMODLOG]: Patching CombatRules#getDamageAfterMagicAbsorb
[08Aug2021 16:02:25.818] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.network.play.ServerPlayNetHandler/]: Amlife lost connection: Disconnected
[08Aug2021 16:02:25.818] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer/]: Amlife left the game

Your Minecraft folder is in OneDriver, you need to move it somewhere else :) OneDrive folder is a big no-no.
Edit: I'm trying to find the mod causing the incompatible server thing.


I know right, after I read the clients error message I downloaded everything again but it still appears...
Here is a screenshot of my 0.5.9 mods folder.

2021-08-09 14_26_46-mods

I also CAN join my local server.. but I don't want to update the online server if this could break everything.

Edit: Also in the latest.log from the server you can clearly see that it recognizes aquaculture:

[09Aug2021 13:11:42.757] [main/INFO] [net.minecraft.resources.SimpleReloadableResourceManager/]: Reloading ResourceManager: KubeJS Virtual Data Pack [low priority], Default, [...] Aquaculture-1.16.5-2.1.20.jar [...]


I have got the same issue, but I have the game on my pc drive and not inside onedrive.
Downloaded the server multiple times and created new profiles on curse with the 0.5.9 version to eliminate download errors.

Server latest.log

This is from the newly created client profile

[13:41:25] [Netty Client IO #2/ERROR]: Channels [chisel:main,trashcans:main,ironchest:network,geckolib3:main,elevatorid:main_channel,refinedstorage:main_channel] rejected their server side version number during listping
[13:41:25] [Netty Client IO #2/INFO]: Client has mods that are missing on server: [aquaculture, byg, tactical_fishing, kubejs_immersive_engineering, extremesoundmuffler, cosmeticarmorreworked, rsrequestify, tetra, cyclopscore, astralsorcery, advancedperipherals, aiotbotania, eidolon, jecalculation, kubejs_mekanism, architects_palette, morecfm, kleeslabs, findme, rsgauges, glassential, terraforged, cookingforblockheads, citadel, dankstorage, mightyarchitect, biomeidfixer, bookshelf, sophisticatedbackpacks, buildinggadgets, mcwdoors, kubejs_blood_magic, mekanismgenerators, xnetgases, losttrinkets, cobblegenrandomizer, prettypipes, rsinfinitybooster, chipped, createplus, farmersdelight, mcwbridges, dustrial_decor, resourcefulbees, curious_armor_stands, commoncapabilities, entangled, ping, projectvibrantjourneys, valhelsia_structures, lollipop, mcwfences, simplefarming, simplylight, bountiful, trofers, patchouli, rftoolsstorage, collective, rftoolscontrol, tiab, drawerstooltip, integratedtunnels, thermal_expansion, elevatorid, ftbultimine, mekanismtools, architectury, computercraft, curiouselytra, compactcrafting, undergarden, trashcans, bwncr, smallships, bedbenefits, botaniaadditions, rhino, cucumber, trashslot, redstonepen, itemfilters, abnormals_core, create, ensorcellation, waystones, clumps, mgui, comforts, artifacts, framedcompactdrawers, decorative_blocks, dungeoncrawl, demagnetize, lazydfu, travel_anchors, mcjtylib, interactio, integrateddynamicscompat, enderstorage, mininggadgets, akashictome, ftbchunks, bloodmagic, meetyourfight, immersiveposts, selene, sounddeviceoptions, tconstruct, rftoolsutility, titanium, enigmaticgraves, archers_paradox, undergardenpatch, towers_of_the_wild, atmospheric, cookiecore, quark, diet, fastbench, abnormals_delight, fluxnetworks, storagedrawers, inventoryhud, scaffoldingpower, transport, worldstripper, chisel, engineersdecor, solcarrot, moredragoneggs, modularrouters, refinedstorageaddons, expandability, chiselsandbits, valhelsia_core, morphtool]
[13:46:13] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping!

@Paraxdq Your server is missing many many mods. This cannot be a valid install.


What exactly is your issue @Paraxdq, you say you can join your server?

The Netty Client message has been incorrectly failing for months, not sure what's causing that :P


My issue is the exactly the same as lunulu described, me and my buddy tried it on our pcs and the result is the same for our local servers, we can join the world but it says that its an incompatible fml server for both of us.
Don't know if this could cause any world breaking errors so we reverted back to the 0.5.6 version which works fine ๐Ÿ‘


I'm betting removing Connectivity from the server would fix the message, I'll make sure it's yeeted from the server files in the next update :)


I removed connectivity from the server and the client, the problem still appears. Tried also without randompatches, because I read about the incompatibility, but that wasn't a solution either. I removed every newly added mod from the server and client and still got the same problem, it's weird. :/


Damn. Might be a Forge issue tbh.


fwiw, I'm seeing this same behavior: upgraded from a 0.5.6 server to 0.5.9. Getting the same "Incompatible FML modded server" warning on the server listing in the client, but the client connects fine


same error in 0.5.11 and 0.5.13


Currently using CubedHost Prisma to host a 0.5.14 Server and have this problem. I get the following warning.
Heuristically truncating mod and/or network channel list in server status ping packet. Compatibility report in the multiplayer screen may be inaccurate.