Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


TiCon Weapons cost more to repair than to make

tmkaplan94 opened this issue · 6 comments


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I have a hammer made with 2 hepatizon plates, 1 rose gold hammer head, and 1 hepatizon handle. To make this weapon, it costs 11 hepatizon ingots and 8 rose gold ingots. The total durability ends up being 3572 (should be 3382.5 with the 1.1x modifier from the handle). Repairing this tool using these materials, whether it's broken or not, gives back 58 durability per rose gold ingot and 241 per hepatizon ingot. Using the same amount of materials only repairs a fully broken tool back to 3115. Therefore, it costs more to repair a tool than it does to make it.

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Sure. But what's easier, repairing a well upgraded tool, or crafting a new one and re-applying all of the fancy modifiers you've added to it?


It's easier to just use another mod or enchant vanilla tools.


Would you mind updating to 0.5.11 and see if it's still an issue? You're many Tinkers versions behind.


I installed 0.5.11 on a different profile and tested it as well. I got different numbers for some reason, but ultimately it’s still an issue. It still costs more to repair a tool than it does to make it.


I'm really not sure what more to say here. A vanilla diamond sword takes 4 diamonds to fully repair it from 1 damage; twice the cost of making a new one.

The whole point of repairing is that you don't have to go through the process of remaking the tool. For vanilla tools, this means not having to re-enchant. For ticon tools, that means not having to re-apply the cost of all the various upgrades.

Vanilla tools also add in ever growing XP costs, while ticon tools may be repaired indefinitely. On top of that, base tinker's also has ways of making tools self repair or become fully unbreakable.

I can't say I see a problem here.


Not only does this not make sense logically, but it makes no sense from a gameplay perspective either. It’s not fun to have to constantly search the nether for cobalt and it’s even more annoying mining obsidian only to have to use MORE of these items to repair a tool. It takes a good amount of effort to get good tinkers weapons. It’s not as simple as taking ingots into a crafting table. But whatever