Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Delete mod Project: Vibrant Journeys or change its configuration

Zaakjin opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Delete mod Project: Vibrant Journeys

or disable this features:

cattails = true //BYG have cattails

This all is creates many useless garbage in inventory and that is annoying.
barkMushrooms = true
rocks = true
twigs = true
fallenLeaves = true
bones = true
charredBones = true
iceChunks = true
pinecones = true
seashells = true

Please change all of this to false.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.


All I want is the god damn seashells, gone, please, they are so ANNOYING. They make clearing areas of water a nightmare. I do not want to have to set up an RFtools quarry for the seashells every time I want to clear a small water body that would've been fine with just sponges.


What exactly makes them a nightmare?


They can be waterlogged. Since the water can't be removed from waterlogged blocks by all the methods I've tried, the water just flows back. When I was clearing an ocean monument once, the RFtools builder couldn't remove the water thanks to the seashells. Once they were gone, the builder could easily remove the water.


I mean I guess, I just don't like having to deal with seashells. They are useful for prismarine earlier on, but I never needed them.


In that context, why not just use something like the builder, or better a digital miner, to remove the sea shells? Seems like it wouldn't take long.


I had no idea initially why the hell the builder was struggling so bad. Till I saw a seashell with water flowing from it and no water at its level except for itself.


So problem solved?


PVJ is in the modpack intentionally, we're not gonna remove it for the time being I'm afraid ๐Ÿ˜„