Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Randomly game isn't loading "resources" with the launch and forces restart of the game!

Kanzaji opened this issue ยท 17 comments


Modpack Version


Describe your issue.

Sometimes when loading my game (and I saw that some people have the same problem!) game just... don't want to load resources.

After start you don't see normal menu but pause menu with disconnect and stuff.
When you click Back to game you are back to vanilla menu (tho you can join world / even server!) Tho when you click Disconnect your game crashes! Settings etc. works fine afaik.

And yea after joining server ( didn't test world yet ) you don't have anything inventory related like Jei, ftbchunks, diets, artifacts... nothing... and you can't use some stuff from mods... otherwise you have items from mods and its showing machines etc correctly. Any ideas?

With Darkere we figured out this could be something with multithreaded loading in forge 1.13+ (If its usefull im running Ryzen 5 3600X overclocked!) on #support. There are screenshots from menu (if happends to me again imma give ss from the game with inventory and other stuff that is wrong)
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/544589452492931076/893150189009924116/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/544589452492931076/893150357897744404/unknown.png

Crash Report

Crashlog when I click disconnect: https://paste.ee/p/CJgWJ

Latest Log

Log when I've crashed : https://paste.ee/p/tq4Rs

Have you modified the modpack?


User Modifications

No response

Did the issue happen in singleplayer or on a server?



Alright Finally i've got this error again. There is a log and some ss after joining the server and after that world. I can't provide server logs but I think you have them :D (I've joined official E6 server so yea).
PS: Sorry that its not in Pastebin but its seems like theirs server are ded (or multiMC ones are ded idk but I couldn't upload them)

This thing:
No Oauth!
THIS THING THAT NEVER HAPPEND BEFORE + No emoji on chat + additional heart above normal ones
No jei, and mek suit visual bugs.
I think I will just rest show in video. so there you go:


Damn that is strange. I'm hoping 0.5.15 will just fix this, as I spotted a resource loading issue being patched in KubeJS


Let's hope thats gonna work ^^" If I will see something even weirder I will send it here. So now just waiting for 0.5.15


I... I didn't ment to send that yet. I didn't get log when I join the server lol. Well imma send it later I guess


Boy that is strange. I'm guessing you've tried reinstalling already?


Well I actually... didn't. Worth a try. (I think other guy tried it and it didn't help a lot. but not sure) Tho its gonna be hard to validate if reinstall is gonna fix it. Its too random. sometimes entire day after like 20 restarts its fine... other day 3/4 times in a row. But sure imma try reinstalling and will give info if it happends again in another few days


Well Little update! (just to say that I didn't forgot about this issue like 3 other ones lol)
It was still happening during those 6 days... Anyway Pack updated to 0.5.15 and yea. We will see if it happends again (please don't)
Well If its not gonna happend in near future (like week or so) Ig it fixed :D


I marked the issue as Awaiting Information because then it'll close automatically in 14 days if you don't comment :P


Well... that could be something completely different from this or just random crash... but could be 100% related to this as well right ^^? Worth sayin...
This time... I didn't get "Resource reload failed"... but I literally got crash related to create if we trust what minecraft says x3


Here crashlog: https://paste.ee/p/OfyaB
and full log: https://paste.ee/p/otNhf

Again I'm really not sure if this is related to this... but hey! Better to report it than not x3
And Im pretty sure that isn't a corruption cuz yeasterday it just worked :D so... idk /shrug


Unrelated and should be fixed in 0.5.16


Ok :D Good to know (Should I delete it?) Tho any fixes rn on 0.5.15? I don't update bc of playin on Official E6 server so....


I'll just update the server...


Oke :D So imma go just update the pack. well cya in few days If I find something about this issue


Well there is something that is 100% related to this...
It... it came back... but not for me. This issue happend to Recursion# 0001 (aka: Recursion_ on official E6 Server) so there are his logs. The problem is that this issue isn't fixed in 0.5.16 ;-;



Anything you need from logs etc. I will relay to him or just make him do github account and talk with ya here.

Well Sorry Niller... but you see it came back :c


Seems like something went wrong with his chiselsandbits-client.toml config file, I suggest deleting it and hoping for the best. Also, I see Optifine in there :P


Alrighty.. imma relay to him (and I actually forgot to ask if he added something like Optifine or so... so yea that could be reason as well...)
anyhow yea we will see :D


Alright! For mine testing it seems like for default install of the pack this issue is fixed :DD
It seems like it occurs now for people with optifine or corrupted configs... but for me on clean install its fine! (and didn't saw others with this issue w/o modified pack)
I think I will close it, if it will come back then we can re-open it right :D?