Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Energy Meter mod

rlnt opened this issue · 9 comments




Why would you like the mod added?

It's a pretty small and lightweight mod which only adds the Meter block to measure your energy transfer rates.
It can be handy for generators which do not expose explicit information about their energy generation like Immersive Engineering Waterwheels or Windmills.

Also you can use it to measure how much energy a bundle of different generators produce.
It supports one input side and multiple output sides and it will distribute the energy equally to all valid outputs.

I personally use it to find out where my production line is bottlenecking.


Given the layout of the GUI, a new tab would probably make the most sense.

Either that or stretching it down and placing a 3rd button under the FE button with an input box next to it that allows setting the update interval.



Looks pretty good.

One thing that I've always wanted in a mod like this would be the ability to change how long it remembers.

For instance, I've had systems that work sporadically, maybe drawing 10k fe in a tick and then nothing for a minute or so. With a monitor like this (or Flux Networks' equivalent) that blip doesn't show up over time. So having an option to tell the block to average over a 5 minute interval, 1 minute, 30 seconds, etc would be very handy to smooth out those spikes and give a player a better picture of their actual usage.


Quite a good idea to make the calculation period a configurable amount.

Right now, it calculates the transfer rate every 5 ticks (the average amount of the transferred energy within these 5 ticks).
Since the energy capability system uses integers, this way is quite handy to get a pretty accurate amount with decimal places.

This doesn't cover your specific case though and only avoids outages or spikes in a small amount of time.
I like the idea but I first need a good idea how to implement this properly to avoid confusion for users.


Maybe a separate "profiling" page/tab in the gui? Where you configure your profiling period and it gives a graph of your RF/t used over that period as well as average rf/t over the entire period?

Flux networks controller has a similar feature, it just doesn't have the time periods moto is looking for(I can't remember the maximum profiling time you can set)


I started with the implementation of the custom update interval. Will be done within the next few days, thanks for the suggestion.


I am not an artist nor a GUI designer but it works:

The two new buttons are apply and reset. You can enter a maximum of 7 digits and it's in ticks.


Looks lovely! Can't wait to try it out :D


GitHub action is building and releasing it to CurseForge right now. Should be available shortly! Thanks.


working beautifully!