Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Charcoal Cannot be Created by Bulk Blasting Logs

RobuxShooters opened this issue ยท 4 comments


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I remember in previous versions we used to be able to bulk blast logs to create charcoal. However, in 0.5.17, this functionality does not seem to be present anymore. JEI does not show such a crafting recipe, and trying to do it results in the logs being burnt up, yielding nothing.

As of now, an alternative is to bulk smoke logs to create Architect's Palette charcoal blocks and then craft them into charcoal.

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How exactly did it use to work?

Several Logs in a Minecraft Blast Furnace could be smelted at once, yielding several Charcoal?


Bulk Blasting refers to Create's crafting system of using Encased Fans behind a source of lava to blow really hot air onto specific items to smelt them. You can smelt multiple items at once using this method. For example, bulk blasting cobblestone into stone:

You used to be able to bulk blast logs (replacing the cobblestone in the above image) to get charcoal, but that recipe doesn't seem to exist in v0.5.17.


Which is odd, because those are just auto registered by Create based on furnace recipes...


It was architect's palette all along, it seems. I don't think Create will auto register a recipe for blasting if the same input is used in smoking. So by having the charcoal block recipe on the smoker, it was simply not registering anything for blasting