Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5



yoyotam3 opened this issue ยท 32 comments




Why would you like the mod added?

As well as just being a cool mod in general, the New TARDIS mod is fairly stable and adds a space dimension with basic oxygen mechanics, making it a good holdover until Advanced Rocketry or any other space mods are sufficiently stable to be used.


the zip is bigger on the inside


Ah, I didn't look at size... It does have a lot of custom audio which probably doesn't help there as well as a whole bunch of different models for TARDIS customization


Can you guys tell me what the interior jpgs are used for? They're 25mb


I managed to trim those down to 6mb without reducing quality so the modsize isn't a deal breaker.


Whew... Yeah it's an in game gui preview for changing the TARDIS interior... There is no reason for them to be that big haha, I'll ask them about it xD


I could in theory look into all those files, and create more optimized versions for them ..etc.
But that will have to wait until next week as I have an exam on Sat.

EDIT: Never mind, I just saw what those Interior files are. They are literally screenshots that are for some reason shipped unoptimized. I thought if it was just an upscaled GUI textures.


Nice ๐Ÿ˜„


Issues I found:

1: the overworld structures don't currently generate in terraforged(there's 2, dalek ship and crashed spaceship) one of the devs worked with wonton and telepathic grunt to get that straightened out for next bugfix release.

2: we would need to disable ToP from rendering the "tardis:interior_door" as it causes a weird graphical glitch when looking out through the door. No reason for ToP to render that anyway.

3: hands disappear when looking through the TARDIS doors both in and out with the boti effect enabled... Someone got that fixed yesterday.

4: Eidolon structures spawn all over their space dimension, as eidolon has no dimensional blacklist, there's not much we can do about that I think... Eidolon does have an issue on their tracker requesting that but it also hasn't been updated since January.

5: issue with common capability/cyclopse core and the SoS antenna upgrade while in space causes server crash... They have this fixed for next release as well

Edit: all of these issues except eidolon's dumb structures are fixed in the updoot that released yesterday. Even the ToP issue is nowhere near as bad as before(would still recommend just blacklisting the interior door from top tho)


Some notes if we add this:

  • Disable cinnabar
  • Blacklist dimensions: Space (tardis) and Dungeon (Blood Magic). Space because Eidolon spawns there and we can't do anything about that. Dungeon because it makes no sense to go there without doing the ritual. It's just a void without the ritual to spawn in structures.
  • Crafting Recipe for the Telescope, which is the POI for villagers who sell the Tardis maps. Primary reason is finding that one village could be very difficult
  • Disable Daleks joining raids. that's probably a bit too much
  • Add tooltips to help people locate the vital flight components (also in quests)
  • Alternate recipes for alembic (can't be automated)
  • Alternate recipe for mercury bottles
  • Increase number of days for abandonment timer
  • Recipe for stattenheim remote

Crafting Recipe for the Telescope, which is the POI for villagers who sell the Tardis maps. Primary reason is finding that one village could be very difficult

If you add tardis, you can also add this datapack which spawns their buildings at a good rate in repurposed structure villages so the telescope isn't too rare


Hi, Tardis Mod dev here, thanks for suggesting our mod!

We've just released the patch update 1.5.2, which fixes most of the issues mentioned previously.

This patch also fixes the observatory being very rare in vanilla villages by using a new approach to their generation. Thank you @TelepathicGrunt for your help on advising on the new approach.

We advise you delete the tardis-common.toml file on your server and client when you test this new update, because we made changes to some structure seperation settings that require the common config to be regenerated.

Hope this helps!


I played with this mod in e6 for a couple hours last night. And so far, it is extremely fun... Would love to see it in the pack. It is extradimensional teleportation, but it takes work to get there(both getting to where you can travel extradimensionally, and the actual act of flying the TARDIS)

It also kind of doubles as a void world of sorts, being able to build and add on to your TARDIS interior.

By default, you are able to teleport to any registered dimension(maybe good if someone decides to make a custom dimension but needs a way to get people there? ;) )... But it does have a dimensional blacklist.

Each person gets only one TARDIS, which they have to find in-world, there is a villager that sells treasure maps leading you to a nearby TARDIS. It is kinda broken down, sad and in shambles so you gotta give it some exploration based items to tame it/make it happy and open its door for you.

You gotta keep her happy or she may take you to the wrong coordinates, or even the wrong dimension sometimes.

My favorite part from testing so far tho is flight... You can make a stabilizer upgrade to negate all of this, but the TARDIS doesn't really enjoy flying with stabilizers on.

When flying without stabilizers, all sorts of mayhem lets loose.. you get toast messages saying a certain thing is going wrong, and it's up to you to flip the right switch or twirl the right whirlygig to keep the TARDIS from being damaged, all the while being thrown around by temporal turbulence and time winds... It really does feel like you're the doctor flying it, frantically trying to find the right lever to pull haha.

That's enough novel for now, but for sure I would love to see this tested a bit more thoroughly within the pack and ultimately added.

Edit: gif of the interior expansion:


Oof, it's 50mb big.


That's Time Lord science for you, I guess?


Niller, I swear, if you add this mod, you're going on my Christmas Card list, I need this, okay?


Ok, I have been using this mod with the pack there is a rendering bug with The One Probe this can be fixed if you put the Tardis door on TOP's render black list. But I can't find the id for the door when placed


Ok, I have been using this mod with the pack there is a rendering bug with The One Probe this can be fixed if you put the Tardis door on TOP's render black list. But I can't find the id for the door when placed

The id you would need is tardis:interior_door.
See its source code if you need more references or ask on the Tardis Mod discord if you need help with that mod specifically.


@50ap5ud5 Thank you the item has the ID of tardis:int_door and I was using that so again Thank you for your help.


Doctor Who - Rain






I'm afraid we've landed on a no for this, it's a great mod but unfortunately not up to our usual standards when it comes to guidance/documentation (in-game) and textures. On top of that, it doesn't really have anything we need in E6.


Sure I'll give a brief explaination :)

The in-game documentation is hard to get an overview of, because of the layout of the book. I highly recommend that you use Patchouli for making in-game documentation,
As someone who hasn't watched Dr. Who, I was quickly overwhelmed with information, both in-game and on the wiki. A concrete getting started guide would help a lot here.

As for the textures, they feel out of place in Minecraft, the styles clash. It's a bit immersion breaking.


Just wondering, would you be willing to share what sort issues with the mod's documentation and textures your team felt was not up to standard, so that the mod may improve upon those aspects?

What are your usual standards for ingame documentation and textures?


Thank you for the feedback NillerMed!

It's much appreciated to gain an insight into your thoughts and expectations.


To address your concerns about the "Getting Started" documentation, we already have extensive tutorial documentation on the wiki within the Tutorials section of the wiki which covers what you may need in a "Getting Started" guide.

Upon review I agree that we could have added clearer indications across the mod towards this starting guide, cover more topics related to the operation of the mod and that the in-game book could be formatted better.

In our latest version (1.5.2 as of writing), we have added a Table of Contents page and rearranged the navigation buttons to be easier to use.
Documentation is something we've lacked time to do since the initial rewrite for 1.16 and we will continue to work on this aspect in the future.

On the other hand, I understand the mod owner intended our in-game manual to be more of in-universe guide to the Tardis only. The wording intends to suggest you were reading a set of notes created by a previous pilot of the craft, rather than a formal guide to the mod similar to what mods such as Immersive Engineering might do.

The overall theme of the mod is meant to encourage the player to explore and discover things and develop their own solutions to the many problems they may encounter. The lack of concrete solutions to every problem is something the mod owner intentionally accounted for, to reflect on the trials of their life experiences and pass this on to the player. The Tardis Mod is more than just a Minecraft mod for the mod owner, but a form of personal expression.

Thanks for suggesting Patchouli too. It is a great API that we have considered using before, but the reason we don't want to use it is because it requires us to potentially add a hard dependency on that mod, which can limit the Tardis mod to specific Minecraft versions and potentially a specific Forge version for some time.

Developing the in-game book feature has also allowed us to gain experience in developing such a feature and we feel that we learnt alot more from developing it ourselves than relying on a ready-made solution haha.


We can understand the jarring feeling of the textures, especially since in recent times, mods have tended to adopt an art-style closer to vanilla "Jappa" style.
This particular art style by our main artist is preferred by the mod owner, so that is why the majority of the mod's art style conforms to this. We'll keep the feedback in mind and explore how we can further develop the existing art style.

We can understand how overwhelming the mod can look to first-time users.
One thing we would like to stress is that you don't need to know a lot about the Doctor Who TV show to be able to play the Tardis Mod! It's why the overall aesthetic of the mod departs from the designs seen on-screen and how we never mention named characters such as "The [X]th Doctor's Tardis".

We'll see what we can do to make the learning curve smoother.


We've heard that the content added by the current versions of the Tardis Mod was something that the modpack didn't need.

Since the initial port to 1.16.5, we do plan to continue expanding the existing content, such as the number of playable Missions and adding features which may be useful to modded Minecraft players, such as a universal tool mode for our Sonic Screwdriver as part of an upgrade system.

We've always intended the Tardis Mod to be a "companion" in a sense to other mods; it's why many of our features include compatibility with systems such as Forge Energy and provide API hooks for other mods, which is something we felt was missing from other "Doctor Who" related Minecraft mods.


Thank you very much for consideration of the Tardis Mod and we hope this comment helps your team understand part of our perspective and some design decisions made for the Tardis mod.

This is one of the first times that we've had the opportunity to engage with a modpack developed for the wider modded Minecraft community.

It's been insightful to learn about some of the trends and preferences of the modded Minecraft userbase. Alot of users we've talked to really like Enigmatica and love using it alongside our mod!

Looking forward to keeping in touch with Enigmatica in the future.


Hello there!Can i move to mcbbs?I will direct the download address to this side!


Depends, do you mean the modpack or the New TARDIS mod? Cause the latter I have no rights to ๐Ÿ˜„


I am trying to move the new tardis mod to another site, can I?


I am trying to move the new tardis mod to another site, can I?

It's not our mod. We can't give you permission.


MOD can add Cybermen?


You are in the wrong place friend, ask your questions here: https://gitlab.com/Spectre0987/TardisMod-1-14/-/issues