Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Crash when looking up Tank or Ender In JEI.

HeavyDeception opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Modpack Version


Describe your issue.

I crash every time I look up ender or tank in JEI.

Crash Report


Latest Log

I don't know were this is.

Have you modified the modpack?


User Modifications

Better Than Mending, Bountiful Baubles, Enigmatic Legacy and, Diagonal Fences.

Did the issue happen in singleplayer or on a server?



I have no items from T.C. on me.


@Darkere ok, so I fixed it thank you. Because you said that I downgraded TC and Mantal I had updated them to mess with the armor and stuff. so if you go to update it look out for that.


You should really try this without all the extra mods as I'm not seeing this in the base pack.


I have optifine to and I tried running it with it uninstalled but it still crashed just looking in the files and it was still in there so it's most likely the cause of the crash so I'm removing it now.


I did must have missed one will try and see what's going on but I'm not at my pc right now.


Now that it's fixed, are you able to reproduce the issue upon re-adding enderstorage?

I thinking here is that something you added broke it badly enough that even removing the faulty mod didn't correct it; you needed to actually remove the faulting tank from the world. Removing Enderstorage was a heavy handed, but effective way to do so. Should be able to add it back now, however.


I removed everything 1 at a time then I removed the ender storage mod and it works now.


I don't know what's going on right now.


Ya when I readd the mod it crashes when I look for it in jei I wish I could read the crash reports better.


Crash report without OptiFine would be helpful :)


https://puu.sh/IxezJ/fa4c81dd97.txt I will have to test it when I wake up tomorrow. even when I remove all the mods it happens.


Please also make sure you have no items from tinkers on your person when you try next time. (armor, inventory, baubles)