Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


RS voids items with drawers while autocrafting.

Kanzaji opened this issue · 2 comments


Modpack Version


Describe your issue.

When using drawers for a "buffer" while autocrafting with RS (aka: Putting items into drawers via Crafters) RS... voids nearly everything that it can't put into it, and thinks that everything is fine and waits for the output.
How to reproduce:
Just do a simple crafting recipe with 2 Ingredients and attach a crafter with it to a normal drawer. It will input just one item and second one is gonna be voided even if drawer is gonna be empted.

Vid: https://youtu.be/ULRQyLbC3L0

It was a bad idea to try reporting this literally after I woke up... I was writing this over 15 minutes ^^"
PS: When I was looking if this was reported before, I found few of the issues that I think should be closed... Maybe try looking at few from last page :D?

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Drawers have 2 slots. One for input and one for storage (no clue why, its a stupid approach). This means when RS inserts 2 types of items it will insert into both of those slots. However the input slot for drawers gets moved into the storage slot every tick. Since the iron ingot in this case cannot be moved (slot is blocked by the restone) it gets deleted.

Really nothing we can do about that. Generally though... why would you insert multiple items into a single slot drawer ? 🤔


Well good to know thx. (I had sooo much headaches in 0.4.x with this issue... lost literally few thousands of resources...)
And why? Well... I was really used to older version with AE2 where this was actually working, it was holding one item until second one was extracted. It was pretty nice to slow down item insertion and to sort stuff. Sad that its impossible to solve ;-;