Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Expert - possible repeated boss fight required to progress through adept magic chapter

zifnab06 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Modpack Version


Describe your issue.

It's possible to need to defeat Swampjaw twice to progress through the Magic - Adept chapter.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Complete "Blank Rune", "Fossil Bait", and build a tier 2 blood altar. Do not complete "Sacrificial Knife"
  • Summon/Defeat Swampjaw
  • Craft Caged Heart, turn it into an Apprentice Blood Orb in your tier 2 blood altar.
  • Realize you never completed the sacrificial knife, make one.
  • "Blood Alter - Tier 2" will not complete until you make a second Caged Heart, requiring a second Swampjaw fight.

Reversing the dependency between "Sacrificial Knife" and "Blood Altar - Tier 2" would fix this (this dependency seems a bit strange anyways, you need a tier 2 blood altar to craft the knife, but the knife is a pre-req for a quest named tier 2 blood altar).

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Did the issue happen in singleplayer or on a server?



@MuteTiefling is this intended? :)


Will double check but I thought I already changed this dependencies in dev


Yeah, dev already has the fix: