Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Tip Suggestion: Witches and NoAI spawners

Targren opened this issue · 3 comments


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Tip: Witches spawned with the No AI Spawner Modifier will still drink heal potions when injured. This can be used to make your Well of Suffering less laggy.

Why would you like this added/changed?

Seems like a useful tip


Status: Fixed In Next Release


You can also use this as a replacement for the armor stand life mending trick if you give the witch items with omnidirectional hoppers + entity upgrade.
Handy for repairing things like the mining lamps.


I feel like that would take a bit too long to explain properly in a tip. Better to let people discover that one on their own, I think.