Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


E6N: Port irradiated miner djinn to Normal as well.

atlgeek007 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Describe your suggestion

For people who want to run Mekanism fission with a large burn rate, it would be nice if the irradiated miner djinn was ported to Normal mode as well as Expert. Maybe even as is with no changes to durability/etc so it would still be up to us for repair logistics/etc.

Why would you like this added/changed?

I know it's not as crucial to have a massive fission reactor in normal, but it would still be a nice QOL addition for a djinn we can use to essentially provide fissile fuel materials.


I knew this would happen :D

The original thought process for including it for Expert was that the player ends up being required to make a lot of things with Fissile byproducts, so having a targetted way to make Fissil Fuel made a lot of sense. Without that need in Normal, we felt it probably wasn't necessary to include there.

It doesn't really harm anything, however. I'll think it over some more.


Hrm. Thoughts on which MMs? Stellar Neutron and Deuterium Plant come to mind. Both would need drastically altared recipes due to using custom items that aren't available in Normal. But that's not a huge deal.

Maybe Gaia Reactor too, just for giggles. There's almost no need for that many gaia spirits in normal though :D


I think it'd be cool to have in normal mode! Same goes for a few of the MMs ๐Ÿ˜€


Maybe nerf his output a little bit but there's really no good way to keep up with big mekanism fission reactors even in normal mode without spamming laser drills or bees (and even then fluorite is a secondary).

Not entirely sure how on board I'd be with the masterful machines, but maybe it would give us normal plebs something to work towards as a pack end goal lol


Stellar Neutron and Deuterium Plant

Only those more or less ๐Ÿ˜„ Gaia Reactor would be fun but slightly useless yeah