Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


[expert] Stellar neutron activator don't consume mana

pun2712 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


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after i fill it with full mana , it don't consume it anymore ,so can make 512000++ mb with only 4 mana pool

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I'm unable to replicate this.

The structure is set to consume the entire amount of mana at the start, then over the course of the recipe, it outputs deuterium per tick. Once it hits 100%, it takes another chunk of mana and starts on the next 'recipe'. Depending on how fast you're feeding mana, it's entirely possible it sits 'full' for a while before it takes the mana again.

In my test world, I've got 4 gaia spreaders shooting each input and the mana pools end up full again around the 60% mark of the recipe. So 40% of the time, the spreaders are not firing.


If the described behavior isn't what you're seeing, ultimately, we'll need to see your logs to see if any of the scripts failed to run. Otherwise, I'd recommend re-installing the pack to ensure it's installed correctly.


in my world i use spark ,with recipe said 640mb per 4000000mana it should like. see a mana form the supply pools are draining, but in like 3 min. i have full 512000mB in buffer + 256000mB in tank and mana pool still full, for that, it should consume ... 768000/640 = 1200 cycle = 4800 pool of mana , I'am sure that all my mana source should not supply that much mana in 3 min, what log should I see, and what keyword should I find?


Wait , or I just confused in recipe , in working like consume 4000000mana 1 time and continueus generate 640mb of tritium until it machine progress up to 100 % ,So it like 640000 mb of tritium per 4 mana pool ? If that true , i think we should have something to give this infomation to player , Because of custom machine in this pack are very confused output ,

like adv assembly in recipe said it output package the can go to normal assembly to unpack again but ,in reality , they output finish product because of it have own assembly machine.

deutrlium plant need 256 rotation force , but it also need 2 furnance generation or 1 blast furnance generator to produce force that machine need

gaia reactor said 16000 memory 1000 liquid star like for 8 gaia spirit ,but in reality , it use continiusly 16000mb and 1000 liquid starlight for 100 time or some time like that for once 8 gaia spirit and continuely 9000 mana 100 time

stellar activator recipe said 4000000 mana 64000 water and energy for 640mb of tri, but if game is not bug , it consume 4000000 mana once and continueusly produce 640mb trithium 100 time or something like that

see the number in recipe are not repesent real consume and working , I think it because how recipe work , but it should have good infomation about that in questline or somewhere else, so we can make good work and plan without replaning of thing a lot because real product are 100 time more or less than what we assume


It does indeed consume all the mana upfront, I thought that was stated in the recipe or something ๐Ÿค”


I understand that this not a bug ,just my confused,so it invalid, but I have suggestion about this. , should I go create new suggestion issue?


oh ,and don't see any infomation about the way mechine consume anywhere, a least in normal playing day.


We'll add some info ๐Ÿ‘