Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Large magical flower to small magical flower recipe

StevenDoesStuffs opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Describe your suggestion

Add a recipe which takes a large magical flower and gives two small magical flowers of the same color.

Why would you like this added/changed?

Currently there's no good early game way of getting magical flowers of a certain color, which are needed on some recipes.


Floral Fertilizer, as mentioned above. Right click it on the ground and you get a pile of small flowers.

It's cheap. Can be automated very early. And more importantly, far less work than making large flowers.


What're you making that specifically needs a large quantity of specific flowers and not just the petals?


Honestly, I can't quite remember (it was a while ago).
But I actually already added the recipe locally, so if this sounds like a change you'd like to make, I can send in a PR.


I'd need to understand the actual need for the recipe considering mystical flowers are already easily farmed (more easily than farming the tall ones, even).


Huh I guess I just missed a recipe or something then.


So, a couple simple options for you

  1. Sylph. She can even farm the glimmering ones directly
  2. Floral Fertilizer. This stuff is very cheap. Basically self sustaining since you can use it in the craft with 4 dyes to make more. Easily automated to craft more and spam it on the ground. Combined with a breaker like an Aura Field Creator, you can amass tons of flowers very quickly.
  3. Jaded Amaranthus. This is the 'proper' way to farm it according to Botania. Simply supply it with mana and it sprouts random flowers around it. This would be a slightly later game option than the other two as it requires mana generation, but nothing too terrible.

Gonna have to say this is not closed, the recipe(s) in question are the ones made from glittering versions of the flowers, the one I can think of off the top of my head is the use of glittering pink flowers in the making of tokens of joy. Very annoying to have to farm 3 of them every single craft, seeing as tokens of joy are very common in other recipes.


I'm just not seeing a reason for this as necessary. The above methods are far easier to accomplish than whatever automation is being attempted by growing petals to large flowers.


There's a very easy way of getting lots of large magical flowers manually: by placing a petal on the ground and bone-mealing it. This can't be done for small magical flowers, hence the need for a large to small flower recipe.