Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Intermittent client crashing

janarjo opened this issue ยท 14 comments


Modpack Version


Describe your issue.

I'm running a local Enigmatica 6 Expert server for two people (incl. me)

We've lately started to get random client crashes (ConcurrentModificationException: null, something to do with ChunkRenderer). They're completely random. Sometimes we play for hours without a crash and some other time it crashes within 5 minutes of launching. We also crash at different times. We don't have a clue what is causing it and we have a lot of automation, contraptions, magic etc. We don't really move far from the main base so can't really confirm if some specific chunk is responsible.

I believe it may have started since version 1.6.0. I have been regularly updating the server and clients. We've played this modpack for a year and it was never an issue before.

I've checked the error logs and I can confirm that we're both getting the exact same error. I've only included my logs for now.

Server itself has had no issues.

Crash Report


Latest Log


Have you modified the modpack?


User Modifications

No response

Did the issue happen in singleplayer or on a server?


Discord Username

No response


Thank you for the report, we will investigate the issue.


Sadly the crashing issue has gotten even worse. Especially for me, I've started crashing every 10-20 minutes and it's close to unplayable. It even crashes when I'm standing still in-game.

My partner is doing better in this regard. It doesn't crash nearly as often for her but it does happen occasionally.
The only difference between our setups is that I have stronger hardware and some higher graphical settings. Render distances are the same though. (Setting view distances over 10 doesn't seem to actually increase it)

I updated to version 1.6.2 but it made no difference.

If there was some way to see which chunk it's having trouble with I might be able to guess what is causing it but as it stands I have no idea.

Let me know if there's anything else I can provide.


Sorry that I haven't followed up on this sooner.

The chunk with issues can be found here:
Level spawn location: World: (-16,68,100), Chunk: (at 0,4,4 in -1,6; contains blocks -16,0,96 to -1,255,111), Region: (-1,0; contains chunks -32,0 to -1,31, blocks -512,0,0 to -1,255,511)

So somewhere within the coordinates -16,0,96 to -1,255,111


We visited the chunk and while it's not far away it is well outside the render distance which doesn't make sense.
There was nothing of note there at all. Not even caves and we've never built anything there.

We blew it up just in case anyway.

Also I did some error log cross checking and can confirm that the reported chunk is the same in all crash reports on both systems.


I noticed that the view distance had decreased significantly lately and I figured out it's because of the dynview mod. It has been decreasing the view distance by itself because it thinks my server is not performing fast enough. I think it reduced the view distance to way less than 10 for some reason. I manually changed its config to increase the minimum render distance hoping this would also alleviate the crashing issue. I think it may have reduced the frequency of the crashes but we're still both getting crashes now and then. The exact same error every time.

Also the dynview mod is way too aggressive about optimizing for performance. It's still completely fine at my new forced minimum of 12 chunks.

Regardless, the crashing issue persists (perhaps just a little less frequent but still there), the reported chunk has nothing of note on or within it and I'm all out of ideas.


Regardless, the crashing issue persists (perhaps just a little less frequent but still there), the reported chunk has nothing of note on or within it and I'm all out of ideas.

Corruption can occur without a chunk having anything out of the ordinary - Removing it entirely ought to resolve this issue.

Also the dynview mod is way too aggressive about optimizing for performance. It's still completely fine at my new forced minimum of 12 chunks.

I'll look into what's going on there.


We recently discovered an odd anomaly around the reported chunk. The other player could no longer interact (place or destroy) with blocks in a square area around the problem chunk. I mapped out the area that was the issue since it didn't affect me.

2022-12-05_22 09 51

This is not a spawn area, this area is not claimed with FTB chunks (it's not within a single chunk boundary anyway).
It goes through multiple chunks including the one reported in the crash logs.
What's weirder is that the issue was somewhat inconsistent and she could sometimes place or destroy something.
Last time we were there this issue did not appear.
She could still use destructive spells though and they worked fine.
Reconnecting did not fix this.

In the server logs I could see entries like:
Mismatch in destroy block pos: BlockPos{x=-26, y=79, z=142} BlockPos{x=-12, y=69, z=107}

Does seem like some kind of corruption, not sure how it happened.
How would I go about fixing something like this? Should I destroy all blocks within that area?


Damnit. Could you please provide a recent crash report anyway? Just in case there's something new.


I used a tool called MCASelector to delete problematic chunks (with a generous margin). The chunks were reset and everything is fine otherwise. However, the crashing issue persists. The same chunk is in the crash report.


Here you go. This happened on my friends system.

I managed to get a crash one day that reported a different chunk (around 0,0). (I also deleted it with MCASelector). Just in case I'll add this too. Will see if I see this one again too.


Damn, there's still 0 information to go off :/
Perhaps try using this Region Fixer: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-tools/1261480-minecraft-region-fixer

Introduction. Do you have a corrupted Minecraft world that is worth it for you? This tool is a python script that tries to fix problems in region files. It c...

I used the scanner to check if there's anything. It seems like there's nothing to fix.
There's an unreadable data file but I'm not sure that's an issue and it won't fix it anyway.

################# Scan results for: world ##################
Unreadable player files:
No problems found.

Unreadable data files:

Chunk problems:
No problems found.

Region problems:
No problems found.


I'm afraid I'm out of ideas then ๐Ÿ˜•