Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5

Enigmatica 6 - E6 - 1.16.5


Enigmatica 6 Expert 1.6.2 (server/multiplayer) Industrial Foregoing Dissolution Chamber power usage / UI desync

andrzejopalinski opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Modpack Version


Describe your issue.

I'm playing E6E on private server (v1.6.2)
I have issues with Dissolution Chamber from Industrial Foregoing:

  • My power level is not showing correctly even tho machine is fully charged (shown in theOneProbe but not in machine GUI),
  • Process indicator is stucked in half after finishing the previous process,
  • Fluid tank is showing as empty even tho I have a few buckets of Lubricant stored in there,
  • Machine used around 50MFE per two operations (Everything I had stored in my tier3 Mekanism cable network; while crafting Mekanism Speed Upgrades)


The issue is definitely on server side config, cause testing the machine on creative single player world haven't showed any issues.


My issue looks very similar to this resolved one from early modpack version:
I'm creating new Bug Report because of the huge versions difference.

  • I forgot to add that the problem refers only to Dissolution Chamber. Both Fluid Extractor and Latex Processing Unit works fine for me

Crash Report

My Issue didn't cause any crashes.

Latest Log


Have you modified the modpack?


User Modifications

I did a few config modifications but didn't change any tech mod configs, especially those from Industrial Foregoing.
I didn't add any mods. My modifications was only changing the radius of Torchmaster Mega Torch to not bother about mob spawns around my base and deleting experience penalty for using Waystones as they are my main way of travelling.

Did the issue happen in singleplayer or on a server?


Discord Username



I've checked the expert config swapper for IndustrialForegoing/machine-core (Enigmatica6ExpertServer-1.6.2\config\configswapper\expert\config\industrialforegoing\machine-core.toml) and it looks like the power consumption is meant to be such a high value(?):

#Amount of Power Consumed per Tick - Default: [60FE]
powerPerTick = 25000
#Max Stored Power [FE] - Default: [10000 FE]
maxStoredPower = 2500000
#Max Amount of Stored Fluid [Output] - Default: [8000mB]
maxOutputTankSize = 16000
#Cooldown Time in Ticks [20 Ticks per Second] - Default: [100 (5s)]
maxProgress = 100
#Max Amount of Stored Fluid [Input] - Default: [8000mB]
maxInputTankSize = 64000

But 25kFE/t is insanely high considering the default value is meant to be 60FE??
For example powerPerTick Value for Latex Processing Unit is set to 20FE/t when the default value is showing 400FE


This is intentional, we want you to ramp up power production at this point. The UI desync is very much not intentional though ๐Ÿ˜„
Are you in Expert mode, or is it only the server?


This is intentional, we want you to ramp up power production at this point. The UI desync is very much not intentional though ๐Ÿ˜„ Are you in Expert mode, or is it only the server?

I'm pretty sure I am but..? Can I even not be while playing on expert mode server? This is literally the first bug I've encountered.
I've actually tried to change powerPerTick from 25000 to 2500 and restarted both server and client just to check if it is reading the values from config swapper properly and it either didn't updated at all or I couldn't see it as GUI was still bugged.


Can I even not be while playing on expert mode server?

You can, but your mode should be set to this of the server you join. I was just thinking maybe the UI desynced because your client had other values.

@MuteTiefling got any ideas here? This issue feels familiar ๐Ÿ˜„


You can, but your mode should be set to this of the server you join. I was just thinking maybe the UI desynced because your client had other values.

Okay soo.. The answer is nope :D I've backuped the files, granted myself the OP on the server and switched to normal and then again to expert both on server and single player world, restarted both my server and game. Absolutely nothing has changed. Neither the GUI bug or the value of powerPerTick ingame which I manually changed in config swapper. So it looks like my server is not even updating the config values.


I remember seeing this before too, but I thought it was something buuz fixed in the mod.


Nothing new? It's getting pretty annoying.. :(
Btw You're mad for setting Laser Energy Usage to 500kFE...


Nothing new yet no :/