FTB Backups config resetting
chriellex opened this issue · 9 comments
Modpack Version
1.6.2 + 1.7.1
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When I try to edit the FTB Backups config, it resets itself. This is a big issue, as the server running doesn't have enough storage to cope with 50 GB of backups.
Not only that, but it also changes the number of backups I want and the time between backups. And lastly, the compression level
I do believe this to be an issue that started in 1.6.0. But I haven't re-tried it in all versions. (updated, BCS I hoped it'd been fixed)
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Have you modified the modpack?
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I wanted to change the backup settings. But that's it. (running it with Rcon, but I can't see that being the problem)
Did the issue happen in singleplayer or on a server?
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Thanks for the report :)
Which exact file are you trying to modify? Was the server on or off during the edit?
I believe the file is called FTBbackup_comon.toml
It’s the configuration file for the FTB Backup mod (it’s just within the standard config folder)
I have tried editing it before starting the server. And while the server is online. Resets in both occasions. Both on 1.6.2 and 1.7.1
Could the value you provided have been invalid? What did you change, to what?
Perhaps set compression level to 9 and memory limit to 10 GB, see if it works?
I Don't belive so
i've uploaded the exact file I've been trying to use
Just a guess here but it could be that your max total file size is too low, I think a brand e6 world is over 5gb, maybe not but it wouldn't take much exploring at all to reach over 5gb