Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E

Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E


Blaze Burner not working with lava

greatmonkey opened this issue ยท 3 comments


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The create blaze burner is not working with lava being auto piped into it, after giving it a straw. It will fill up with lava but will not work for the mixer. IT will work if you use a bucket of lava on it but after the burn timer runs out, it will stop working as if it has nothing to burn.
Tested this in a test world and found it would not work for anything from potions to Rubber, or Chocolate, etc

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so the quest gives you a straw to trick you into thinking it will work huh? lol


The quest gives you a straw to indicate that it can take liquid fuels. Look at uses for the straw to see what's allowed.


Thanks for the report! I'm afraid this is intentional, however, and should be clear from EMI that liquid lava is not a valid fuel.

The reason for this is simply because it'd be a bit too easy. If you want to use the cheap, free, easy lava method, you'll need to use buckets and therefore find a way of dealing with the buckets themselves.

Valid Fuels: