Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E

Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E


Exception in server tick loop when making auto source generation..

Mankotako opened this issue · 5 comments


Modpack Version


Describe your issue.

Yesterday I worked on an auto source system.
amethyst with goloms > source gems > source gem blocks > 2 conjuration essence spots > awkward potions > torch barries with turrets > night vision potions > alchemist source links > source.
everything was fine for the 4 hours I played after making this system and before I stopped playing I turned off the turrets just incase and downloaded a back up since I do that every week, today when I tried to start the server it kept crashing, first thing that came to mind was the system I made, so I used the backup I had to try it in singleplayer, but it just loads for 30 min with nothing happening and my laptop fan going nuts, I tried the: worldsave/serverconfig/forge-server.toml , but the same thing happens no respond for half an hour it doesn't even crash it just stays that way but luckly I found that there was a crash report this time even though it was still trying to load the world with the no respond at the top, I really hope there is a way to save it because in the past week me and my friend done a lot of progress from half of chapter 1 to 2 things left on chapter 2 and over 30 hours of playing...

thank you for your time <3

Server log (using aternos.org) :
singleplayer log:

<script src="https://gist.github.com/Mankotako/28dbd8cfbae3e87dbf67046bd746606c.js"></script>

Crash Report

<script src="https://gist.github.com/Mankotako/28dbd8cfbae3e87dbf67046bd746606c.js"></script>

Latest Log

<script src="https://gist.github.com/Mankotako/28dbd8cfbae3e87dbf67046bd746606c.js"></script>

Have you modified the modpack?


User Modifications

No response

Did the issue happen in singleplayer or on a server?


Discord Username



Could you please re-upload your logs?


Could you please re-upload your logs?


I think the server one has more info..

5215 lines | 52 errors

Your server ran out of RAM, 3GB is not a lot 😬 There's nothing we can do about that I'm afraid.
If you can download the world and get a server with more memory, that ought to help.


Your server ran out of RAM, 3GB is not a lot 😬 There's nothing we can do about that I'm afraid. If you can download the world and get a server with more memory, that ought to help.

sadge :'(