Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E

Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E



theboo opened this issue ยท 0 comments




Why would you like the mod added?

Adds minecolonies pathfinding to many vanilla mobs as well as occultism mobs by default... It helps a TON with navigation and according to both devs is also a lot more performant. Ars Nouveau has been using minecolonies pathfinding for their carbuncles/starbuncles since 1.16 with great results.

Gif below of some testing I did with the mod enabled in e9 dev and occultism transporter spirit... I've had these guys get lost going 6 blocks on flat ground before, so this is pretty neat haha..


If added, it would be interesting to add to a few other modded mobs that use vanilla ai pathfinding.. all that is needed is an entity tag to enable for a certain mob.