Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E

Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E


Change the recipe for IE Dropping Conveyor Belt so it doesn't need to use iron

SupaJordy opened this issue · 2 comments


Describe your suggestion

Make the recipe for the Immersive Engineering Dropping Conveyor Belt slightly earlier. Currently requires an iron trapdoor which requires 4 iron.
Suggestion would be to use a compressed stone slab instead of iron trapdoor or make the iron trapdoor recipe easier.

Why would you like this added/changed?

Interacting with IE machines can be a pain at the best of times. Extracting conveyor belt is already accessible so would make sense to have the dropping conveyor belt also accessible.


I think I'd rather replace the trap door with a hopper.

Unfortunately my PC is currently out of commission, so if anyone wants to make a PR, it'd be appreciated.


I think I'd rather replace the trap door with a hopper.

Unfortunately my PC is currently out of commission, so if anyone wants to make a PR, it'd be appreciated.

On it 👍