Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E

Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E


E9E - Hint via JEI About Items Received via Druid's Pouch Naga Drop

Seacant opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe your suggestion

Items received via the Druid's Pouch (Hexeri seeds, Quark saplings, Mendosteen, etc) should have a note in JEI that they are received via the Naga boss chest / Druid Pouch. Most of them already have an Info panel describing where they would normally be found, so this would fit as an additional note in there.

Why would you like this added/changed?

I just spend an embarrassing amount of time trying to find Mendosteen on a "naturally occurring Flourishing Archwoord Tree" when those don't seem to exist (at least in the twilight forest)


Out of curiosity, what got you on the track of needing them before completing the first quests?


They were totally in my chest the entire time. I assumed I didn't have any because I had not, at that point, done the ritual for the flourishing archwood, and that was how they were said to be obtained. I went straight to looking for a naturally occurring tree once the planted tree gave no results.


Hrm... So it might help if at least some of the drops weren't in the druid satchel, allowing it to show up in EMI


Saw the new descriptions added in 185c56. They look great, and would have helped hint me towards checking my seed bags. Thanks!