Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E

Enigmatica 9: Expert - E9E


Mossy Conversions

MelodyCube opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe your suggestion

Here are some potential "Standard -> Mossy" conversions for the Botanist's Pickaxe and Metallurgic Infuser for consistency with the currently existing recipes.

BP = Botanist's Pickaxe
MI = Metallurgic Infuser

Standard                                        | Mossy                                                 | BP  | MI
minecraft:stone_brick_slab                      | minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab                      | No  | Yes
minecraft:stone                                 | byg:mossy_stone                                       | No* | Yes
minecraft:stone_stairs                          | byg:mossy_stone_stairs                                | No  | Yes
minecraft:stone_slab                            | byg:mossy_stone_slab                                  | No  | Yes
**                                              | byg:mossy_stone_wall                                  | No  | No
quark:stone_vertical_slab                       | v_slab_compat:byg/mossy_stone_vertical_slab           | No  | No
byg:red_rock_bricks                             | byg:mossy_red_rock_bricks                             | No  | Yes
byg:red_rock_brick_stairs                       | byg:mossy_red_rock_brick_stairs                       | No  | Yes
byg:red_rock_brick_slab                         | byg:mossy_red_rock_brick_slab                         | No  | Yes
byg:red_rock_brick_wall                         | byg:mossy_red_rock_brick_wall                         | No  | Yes
v_slab_compat:byg/red_rock_brick_vertical_slab  | v_slab_compat:byg/mossy_red_rock_brick_vertical_slab  | No  | No
twilightforest:etched_nagastone                 | twilightforest:mossy_etched_nagastone                 | No  | No
twilightforest:nagastone_pillar                 | twilightforest:mossy_nagastone_pillar                 | No  | No
twilightforest:nagastone_stairs_left            | twilightforest:mossy_nagastone_stairs_left            | No  | No
twilightforest:nagastone_stairs_right           | twilightforest:mossy_nagastone_stairs_right           | No  | No
twilightforest:mazestone_brick                  | twilightforest:mossy_mazestone                        | No  | No
twilightforest:underbrick                       | twilightforest:mossy_underbrick                       | No  | No
twilightforest:towerwood                        | twilightforest:mossy_towerwood                        | No  | No
twilightforest:castle_brick                     | twilightforest:mossy_castle_brick                     | No  | No
twilightforest:castle_brick_stairs              | twilightforest:mossy_castle_brick_stairs              | No  | No
quark:cobblestone_bricks                        | quark:mossy_cobblestone_bricks                        | No  | No
quark:cobblestone_bricks_slab                   | quark:mossy_cobblestone_bricks_slab                   | No  | No
quark:cobblestone_bricks_stairs                 | quark:mossy_cobblestone_bricks_stairs                 | No  | No
quark:cobblestone_bricks_wall                   | quark:mossy_cobblestone_bricks_wall                   | No  | No
quark:cobblestone_bricks_vertical_slab          | quark:mossy_cobblestone_bricks_vertical_slab          | No  | No
quark:stone_brick_vertical_slab                 | quark:mossy_stone_brick_vertical_slab                 | No  | No
quark:cobblestone_vertical_slab                 | quark:mossy_cobblestone_vertical_slab                 | No  | No

* The Stone -> Moss recipe that currently exists would have to be replaced or removed.
** Since there is no Stone Wall, I figured a potential solution was to use Rocky Stone make Mossy Stone instead, which would also fix the Stone -> Moss issue. This is what that would look like:

Standard                                    | Mossy                                       | BP  | MI
byg:rocky_stone                             | byg:mossy_stone                             | No  | Fix
byg:rocky_stone_stairs                      | byg:mossy_stone_stairs                      | No  | Fix
byg:rocky_stone_slab                        | byg:mossy_stone_slab                        | No  | Fix
byg:rocky_stone_wall                        | byg:mossy_stone_wall                        | No  | No
v_slab_compat:byg/rocky_stone_vertical_slab | v_slab_compat:byg/mossy_stone_vertical_slab | No  | No

Finally, I figured having Farmland -> Rich Soil Farmland but not Dirt -> Rich Soil (for the pickaxe) was intentional.

Why would you like this added/changed?

unnecessary consistency nitpick :) as long as it's not too much work, these would be cool even if they largely went unused.


Simple enough with the list. thanks for that.

I am going to keep the stone > moss conversion for the botanist's pick, however. I rather like that interaction. So, there won't be 100% parity between the two methods.