Galactic Science

Galactic Science


sag mill duping?

JarlGiga opened this issue ยท 4 comments


i found a way to basicly dup silicon for abit of energy.

sandstone in the synthesizer cost 16 silicon dioxide, then sag mill the sandstone to get 3-4 sand, roughly, then decompose the sand for 1 sand = 16 silicon dioxide, and repeate.

so i was wondering if the recipe for sandstone should be made to 64 silicon dioxide or if you are leave it as is?


When youre at T2 i think the energy and time you loose doing this far outweights the benefit. You could simply put cobble into the sagmill and swim in SiO2 too.


Would label this as minor if we had the label ;)


alright, just wanned to run it by you guys :)


Thx for the feedback and whee heres my minor label :)