


All gamestages lost after shutdown crash[BUG]

frechluemmel opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Yes, I'm sure this problem isn't because my game ran out of RAM.

My Computer has shut down out of nowhere, now i lack every gamestage ever accomplished, maybe there is a way to restore them or edit the files so i can get my current gamestage back?

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Let the pc instant shutdown without any known reason ;)
  2. Start your game again
  3. Join your world and notice the loss of all of your gamestages
  4. See error

Expected behavior
Not this

Crash reports or logs
No logs due to hard shutdown

Please fill out the blanks below:
Modpack Version: (
Did you add or remove mods? (no)
Did you edit any config or script? (no)
Using shaders? [Write 'Default' if you are using default shader, if you are not using the default shader please write the name of the shader you are using.] (Default)
Singleplayer, LAN game or server pack? (Singleplayer)

Additional context
Anyways, love your modpack, keep the work up buddy!


This is a known problem with gamestages and can happen on any modpack that has gamestages in it, I can't do anything. When this happens just restore a backup (click "backups" in world selection menu)


Unfortunately i tried that already and it didn´t work for me.


Try restoring an earlier backup, it's likely that you restored a backup that's made after the problem occured