[BUG] entities are incapable of taking damage most of the time
blueperson2 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
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Describe the bug
everything works perfectly fine, except any entity is just incapable of being hit most of the time. at seemingly random moments they can get hit by something but never more than once. they can still take fall damage, i can put lava on them to do damage, literally anything but hit them. interaction like lassos work fine, it's just the hitting.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
version 1.33.1, server running without breaks for just about a week, suddenly began after someone threw like 4 stacks of eggs and spawned a bunch of baby chickens, but i think it was happening on a lighter scale before that, but it definitely got worse after that.
Expected behavior
hit things with sword and do damage with said sword
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Additional context
the server started on casual then was set to expert directly after, not sure that matters but just in case.