GregTech Community Pack Modern

GregTech Community Pack Modern


Duplication of iron and steel

Ix-risor opened this issue ยท 2 comments


There is a sequence of recipes that can enable unlimited generation of iron and steel:

1: craft 3 iron doors with 6 iron ingots
2: macerate the iron doors, producing 39 tiny iron dust per door, plus some steel dust.
3: craft and smelt the tiny dust to ingots, producing 13 iron ingots (and a tiny bit of steel)

Suggested fix: change the iron door crafting recipe to produce only one door and remove the steel dust byproduct from the door maceration recipe.


seems to be CEU modern using recycling outputs from the harder recipe configs by default. if you enable the harder recipe config, the iron door cost goes to:
image (which matches your output)
reported it to the devs. i'll have to see how far this problem goes


fixed in latest version of ceu