GregTech Community Pack Modern

GregTech Community Pack Modern


[Suggestion][Mod] Polymorphic Energistics

Kawapatch opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello GTMCP crew!

Just wanted to suggest including the mod 'Polymorphic Energistics' into the pack, as it allows the functionality of 'Polymorph' to work with 'Applied Energistics 2'. Since both mods are already part of the pack, the added parity between the two would be nice!

CurseForge Link:



polymorph really doesn't need to be in the pack anymore at this point as there aren't really any recipe conflicts anymore - it's there as a contingency (read: band-aid) solution for things breaking. i might actually just, remove polymorph at this point ha


That's a fair point, but does it hurt having it in the pack as a contingency for people who add other mods into the pack? I wouldn't put it past people adding conflicting recipes by adding in new mods and completely forgetting to add in Polymorph as well haha.
If a safety net doesn't impede anyone, even if it's rarely used, is there any point in removing it?