GregTech Community Pack Modern

GregTech Community Pack Modern


Item scrolling occuring twice from Mouse Tweaks and Inventory Profiles Next

Kawapatch opened this issue · 1 comments


Brought this issue up like a while ago in the discord and only just now occured to me to mention it here haha.

Ever since the addition of Inventory Profiles Next to the modpack, item scrolling moves two items instead of one like it should. This is because the functionaliy included in IPN is occuring at the same time as the functionality included in Mouse Tweaks. The best fix for this is to disable the item scrolling functionality from IPN, done via unbinding the "Scroll Items From Player to Chest" and "Scroll Items From Chest to Player" hotkeys in the config of IPN. I believe this can be set so it's unbound in the modpack by default.

I suggested disabling it on IPN's end because its item scrolling functionality is actually more limiting then that of Mouse Tweaks, namely the fact that it only properly works in vanilla inventories. Mouse Tweak's item scrolling works with everything, Greg Tech machines included.

Hopefully fixing this won't be too big of an issue, thanks! - Patch



thanks for the report! i can't believe i didn't do this already. there should be a hotfix releasing for 1.5.1+ support in the next few days, so i'll bundle this in with that update. cheers again!