GT New Horizons

GT New Horizons


Akashic Tome Contents Disappeared

remclave opened this issue · 10 comments


Your GTNH Discord Username


Your Pack Version


Your Server

Private Server

Java Version

Java 8

Type of Server

Vanilla Forge

Your Expectation

I was expecting the Akashic Tome to still be populated with the books that I added.

The Reality

The world folder was moved from the old server 2.7.0B3 to the new server 2.7.0-Release. The world started seemingly without problems. JourneyMap and VisualProspecting folders were migrated client-side. Migration was successful.

During play, I discovered that the Akashic Tome, previously loaded with the various config-approved manuals that were acquired via exploration, is now empty.

I looked for a file on my client beta version but did not locate it. I was also the only player on the server who actually used the Akashic Tome so no other players experienced this issue.

I just need help identifying the client-side file to migrate to repopulate the missing books in the tome.

Your Proposal

I have no proposal. I just need help locating where the information is stored so I can migrate the file.

Final Checklist

  • I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying the bug still exists will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
  • I can reproduce this problem consistently by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.
  • I have asked other people and they confirm they also have this problem by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.

Can you run /iih while you have the tome in hand and post the output?
The books are stored in the NBT of the tome.


:D yep. It works. Sorry for the delays in reply.

Was actively gaming with friends on our servers.


@Caedis, yes. The NBT IS there. But the book is still blank.



[14:53:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] amt hand: rakashictome:tome.withTag({akashictome:is_morphing:1b,akashictome:data:{Thaumcraft:{id:4386s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"Thaumcraft"},Damage:0s},TConstruct1:{id:4618s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:displayName:"Materials and You: Volume 2",akashictome:definedMod:"TConstruct1",akashictome:is_morphing:1b,display:{Name:" rAkashic Tome ( aMaterials and You: Volume 2 r)"}},Damage:1s},TConstruct2:{id:4618s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:displayName:"Mighty Smelting",akashictome:definedMod:"TConstruct2",akashictome:is_morphing:1b,display:{Name:" rAkashic Tome ( aMighty Smelting r)"}},Damage:2s},witchery7:{id:7536s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"witchery7"},Damage:0s},TConstruct:{id:4618s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:displayName:"Materials and You: Volume 1",akashictome:definedMod:"TConstruct",akashictome:is_morphing:1b,display:{Name:" rAkashic Tome ( aMaterials and You: Volume 1 r)"}},Damage:0s},witchery5:{id:7490s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"witchery5"},Damage:107s},witchery6:{id:7528s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"witchery6"},Damage:0s},SpiceOfLife:{id:10318s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:displayName:"Sleeping Bag",akashictome:definedMod:"SpiceOfLife",akashictome:is_morphing:1b,display:{Name:" rAkashic Tome ( aSleeping Bag r)"}},Damage:0s},OpenBlocks:{id:7924s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"OpenBlocks"},Damage:0s},witchery:{id:7490s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"witchery"},Damage:46s},witchery3:{id:7490s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"witchery3"},Damage:49s},witchery4:{id:7490s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"witchery4"},Damage:81s},witchery1:{id:7490s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"witchery1"},Damage:47s},witchery2:{id:7490s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"witchery2"},Damage:48s},TConstruct3:{id:4618s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:displayName:"Tinkers' Weaponry",akashictome:definedMod:"TConstruct3",akashictome:is_morphing:1b,display:{Name:" rAkashic Tome ( aTinkers' Weaponry r)"}},Damage:4s},TConstruct4:{id:4618s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"TConstruct4"},Damage:3s},betterquesting:{id:6369s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"betterquesting"},Damage:0s},SpiceOfLife1:{id:10319s,Count:1b,tag:{akashictome:definedMod:"SpiceOfLife1"},Damage:0s}}})
[14:53:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] a m--------------------------------------------------


I think it has to do with the change in GTNewHorizons/AkashicTome#12 , since I still see a lot of numerical ids in the info you posted.

In the new version it should be stored as the mod + itemname instead. To avoid a massive issue that was discovered during testing with regards to changing item ids.

I had hoped that it got caught quickly enough that this wouldn’t happen.


so the NBT is there


a sleeping bag, eh?


Is there anything I can do to correct the one I have? Or do I just use the data to get the books I need to populate a replacement?


yea make a replacement


I think it has to do with the change in GTNewHorizons/AkashicTome#12 , since I still see a lot of numerical ids in the info you posted.

ah yea that makes sense. Guess this can be closed, since this was all adjusted before stable. Only some people from nightlies/beta need to make a new one.