Akashic Tome accepts non-vanilla Bookshelves and other items
TaterBlight opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Your GTNH Discord Username
Your Pack Version
Your Server
Java Version
Java 21
Type of Server
Single Player
Your Expectation
An Akashic Tome and a (non-vanilla) Bookshelf to do nothing with each other in a crafting table, and to make you look like a fool for trying.
The Reality
The bookshelf is accepted by the tome, and this results in you being able to place the tome (and all of its contents) by selecting the bookshelf (video attached).
Your Proposal
The Akashic Tome should not readily accept modded bookshelves, and I suspect there's already something in place to stop it from accepting vanilla shelves.
Final Checklist
- I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying the bug still exists will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
- I can reproduce this problem consistently by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.
- I have asked other people and they confirm they also have this problem by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.
- sleeping bag apparently #18368 (comment)
It works with a bit more than bookshelves too, including things like:
- Gadomancy's Book of Knowledge (a block)
- Crimson Rites (though I'm not sure if this is a problem, since they kind of work like a real book anyway.)
- Automagy's Requisition Tome (a block)
- Any Bookcase not from base Bibliocraft (though strangely a pre-filled vanilla one works too)
- Bibliocraft's Slotted and Redstone Books (nothing is inherently wrong here, but the books were only meant to be put in Bookcases as components)