Plugging in a new energy hatch power fails the whole base
nebniloc opened this issue ยท 13 comments
Your GTNH Discord Username
Your Pack Version
Your Server
Private Server
Java Version
Java 21
Type of Server
Vanilla Forge
Your Expectation
Attach a new energy hatch to power
The Reality
Connecting a newly places EV energy hatch leads to the whole base power failing and AE not receiving any power. Power spine is big enough to handle all machines in our base but plugging in a new EV energy hatch while only 2 EBFs at 4A EV each are running and both of them fail. Scanning the wire in the moment of the power fail reveals that the new hatch causes a massive power spike of 8A - 10A EV and an the error message "failed to get power node info" right after.
Your Proposal
Pls fix, very annoying
Final Checklist
- I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying the bug still exists will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
- I can reproduce this problem consistently by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.
- I have asked other people and they confirm they also have this problem by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.
Twitch clip of us testing:
Discord name - Jeen
Can confirm issue is present by replicating a similar, but simplified setup to nebniloc's with a LSC with a 64 A EV Dynamo hatch and a single EBF with dual EV hatches. The main power spine is 64A EV SC, branching from the main spine with a 8A EV SC to the energy hatches on the EBF and processing a batch of Titanium (any process works). Creating a new branch off the main spine, and attaching just a EV Energy hatch to the new branch causes a shuts down of the attached EBF. The new branch can be made up of any size cable as well.
This issue present on non-superconductor cables as well as other smaller sized Dynamo Hatches and power tiers (tested IV hatch/cable as well).
This has happened to me. Near as I can tell, what happens is that when you have a dynamo outputting near to its capacity, when you plug in a energy new hatch, it will try to fill up that energy hatch's internal buffer, starving the other hatches and causing a power fail.
Could either of you specify how you're connecting the hatch. As in, do you
- place hatch, run wire up to it, then wirecutter into the hatch, or
- place hatch, directly place cable onto hatch, then wirecutter cable to cable, or
- do you run cable, wirecutter cable towards hatch, then place hatch, or
- something else?
Yes, a normal hatch can pull up to 2A, and thr multiamps pull even more, up to 80A on a 64A hatch. This is currently written to describe just a normal EV hatch on a very sufficient powerspine though, leading me to believe it may be an enet bug, hence asking for some clarification.
To be clear, it is a normal EV hatch, right?
Seems to be a duplicate. Hope someone can finally fix it...
#15580 (Ignore my flub in referring to the LSC as a LCR, was in a rush :)
Should be active in a moment. I think I noted before that it happened with an IV test as well, so not a EV specific issue.
Yes, a normal hatch can pull up to 2A, and thr multiamps pull even more, up to 80A on a 64A hatch. This is currently written to describe just a normal EV hatch on a very sufficient powerspine though, leading me to believe it may be an enet bug, hence asking for some clarification.
To be clear, it is a normal EV hatch, right?
It was a normal EV hatch. I cannot speak for OPs test, but in the test I performed, it was placing an EV hatch next to the branch line. In my case, the input was not facing the line yet. When wrenched to the correct position, (i.e. facing the line, but not yet connected) is when the power failure happens. So it was even before the line was connected to the hatch. I can record a clip in a moment.
A clip would be wonderful - this is a bug that's been lurking for a while but which I haven't seen a fully reproducible setup for.
An interim fix, by the way, is to always place the wire directly onto the hatch, then wirecutter that to the rest of the wires. Enet has some issue relating to having a wire adjacent to but not connected to a hatch/transformer/dynamo.
I have also tried to replicate this bug and it seems that the issue does not happen if the following steps are taken:
- Make sure there are no wires that can connect to the energy hatch as soon as you place it
- Place the energy hatch
- Orient the energy hatch to face where the wire will connect
- Now place the wires and connect to the hatch
The power fail happens when you place or reorient a hatch on a live wire and the wire then "attempts" to connect to the hatch once it is correctly oriented. This is why it cannot fail when the steps above are taken.
As far as I can tell, this is not specific to any power tier and should fail the same way at all tiers as per my description above.