GT New Horizons

GT New Horizons


QuarkGluon plasma automation

mamiemru opened this issue ยท 11 comments


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Your Proposal

Hey, have you tried to make quark gluon plasma automation?
Its pain, 80 fluids, its just boring, the magmatter automation its just 16, its ok, the automation is still fun to do.
But 80 fluids for gluon its boring to do. But this is another debate.

In order to make this automation less boring my idea is to add all 80 plasma fluids in NEI. With this feature we can drag and drop fluid cells into export bus/interface.

if i want to set an export bus with Desh plasma (yes, we need that fluid) i need to make a craft for desh plasma, craft it, then pick an empty cell, fill up this cell with desh plasma then open my export bus and put my fluid in the filter.

Your Vision

I have 3 Ideas:

  • Just type "desh plasma" on NEI and drag and drop the cell in the export bus slot.

    Below a list of all required plasma for quark gluon that doesn't have a plasma cell visible in NEI:
    Uranium 235 plasma
    palladium plasma
    lutetium plasma
    terbium plasma
    beryllium plasma
    molybdenum plasma
    magnesium plasma
    aluminum plasma
    samarium plasma
    tellurium plasma
    indium plasma
    carbon plasma
    antimony plasma
    vanadium plasma
    potassium plasma
    manganese plasma
    promethium plasma
    arsenic plasma
    erbium plasma
    desh plasma
    ytterbium plasma
    cerium plasma
    europium plasma
    phosphorus plasma
    neodymium plasma
    holmium plasma
    cadmium plasma
    meteoric iron plasma
    praseodymium plasma
    lithium plasma
    gallium plasma
    barium plasma
    gold plasma
    dysprosium plasma
    gadolinium plasma
    sodium plasma
    lanthanum plasma
    calcium plasma
    uranium 238 plasma
    rubidium plasma
    tantalum plasma
    caesium plasma
    yttrium plasma
    strontium plasma
    thulium plasma
    oriharukon plasma
    cobalt plasma
    raw silicon plasma
    mercury plasma
    tritium plasma
    hydrogen plasma
    chlorine plasma
    fluorine plasma
    argon plasma
    deuterium plasma

  • An other idea is to change this window to instead directly display plasma cells.

  • An other idea is to remove plasma from QGP, the challenge is ok but 80 fluids to deal its just not fun. 16 is ok.

Final Checklist

  • I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying I like this change please reconsider adding it will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
  • I understand this change request may not attract enough attention and thus not be implemented.
  • I understand this change request may be rejected due to other community members think it's inappropriate.
  • I believe this feature would make the pack better.

You shouldn't need the cell, if you bookmark the plasma anywhere in NEI you can drag the "square" to the filter. This works for anything in AE2 I'm pretty sure, export bus was just something I had on me at the time.


Maybe, the point is starting from the "possible input material for cgp" window you should be able to retrieve the plasma version of each dust/liquid without having to navigate though NEI recipes.
You need to bookmark the plasma in order to drag and drop it, the issue is still here, what have you done to get the desh plasma square in your bookmark?


I've been struggling with this automation trying to avoid manually encoding each recipe, the solution I came up with is basically not possible with what's available in the pack. At least from what I've found.

I really really dislike the trend of automation in this update boiling down to "OpenComputers or suffering" - not all of us have are programmers, not all of us have time to learn Lua. Maybe there's more options I haven't looked in to, but something like Steve's Factory Manager sounds like torture for something like this.


You can automate it with basic ae2 and a level maintainer, just ask at the discord


I have been asking in the discord on and off all week, nobody in the help channel is at this point in the pack lol. The one response I got just thought it was inputting what's in NEI.

I know you can set it up with basic AE2 and a level maintainer, but again that requires 80+ custom recipes. I figured you could keep 8 of each dust stocked at all times, and just craft the plasma from that output, but I don't see a way of doing this without specifying each specific dust to keep stocked. And you have to do that twice, because you need to also keep 1 of each dust stocked from the Gorge output.

It's tedious, and there's an obvious solution that's seemingly impossible or no less tedious with what's in the pack.


So set up an empty bookmark page (the 1/1 on the bottom to the left of the search bar, the arrow to move right adds another page), then bookmark all of the outputs. Then you can go down the list since "U" over the tiny dust will have the full dust -> plasma recipe show up in NEI. That's how I made the recipes anyway.

However, I think the trick is to do this without having to make each recipe on its own. I haven't quite figured it out, but if you have three AE subnets - one with the gorge output, one with 8 of each dust stored, and a third in the middle that's set to output 9 tiny dust at a time to a packager producing a full dust that goes directly in to the plasma module, then back to the gorge.

The middle subnet will see at least 1 dust from the gorge subnet, a maximum of 8 from the dust subnet, and the middle will automatically combine the dust, 9:1. It should loop until there's no more tiny dust on the gorge subnet, because the middle subnet only sees 8 dust total. Which should be easy with a fuzzy card in an ME export bus, which is how I've been handling tiny dusts in general (tiny dusts get exported to a super input bus).

I'm still ironing out the specifics, but I think this is the intended way of automating this, rather than going through every single material making recipes.


i have also made a better solution with OC and adapter/transposer, it work with less than 100Lines of codes and but some check with special dust name (remove, space, lowercase...) you don't need to pin or search any plasma with this solution. but that was not the point. some peoples want/and will work this puzzle with other tools and think differently. they will probably at first list all plasma they need. the process of listing plasma is the issue.