GT New Horizons

GT New Horizons


2.7.2 Logistics Pipes Logistics Disk not craftable

novashep opened this issue ยท 4 comments


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Your Pack Version


Your Server

private server

Java Version

Java 17

Type of Server

Don't know

Your Expectation

Trying to craft the Logistics Pipe recipe for the Logistics Disk, the recipe in NEI is not craftable. Was this recipe removed? I looked through changelogs and did not see that.

The Reality

Click on item in NEI, no recipe appears

Your Proposal

Find out why the Logistics Disk is not craftable.

Final Checklist

  • I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying the bug still exists will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
  • I can reproduce this problem consistently by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.
  • I have asked other people and they confirm they also have this problem by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.

@Dream-Master 7 carbon plate, any ULV-micro and disk platter 2025-01-12_02 19 14 2025-01-12_02 19 55

Ok. Carbon plate? need to change to some plastic plate


I confirm. I have a disk created in version 2.6.1, but for some reason it cannot be created in 2.7.2.


@novashep @Atlantis102 how the recipe looks like in 2.6.1 ?


@Dream-Master 7 carbon plate, any ULV-micro and disk platter
2025-01-12_02 19 14
2025-01-12_02 19 55