GT New Horizons

GT New Horizons


Steam Multiblock - Lava Generator (Name TBD, Molten ___? Slag ___? ___ Melter?)

PlayfulPiano opened this issue ยท 6 comments


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Your Pack Version


Your Proposal

This is a multiblock accessible in steam tier post-steel. This would function akin to Thermal's Magma Crucible, as a comparison, but mainly with the focus on the lava generation aspect. Basically, throw in stone-related materials and convert them into various amounts of Lava. Since this is, well, GTNH, cobblestone to lava ratios should be pretty poor. My recommendation would be a straight 1 block : 1L of Lava ratio, with compressed cobblestone yielding an extra digit per compressed tier (meaning more compression yields bonus liters, similar to compressed solar panels). Single compressed yields 10L of lava, double compressed yields 100L, etc. etc.

Steel would be the multiblock material requirement due to needing a higher melting point to contain lava.

Your Goal

The idea here is to have a means to generate passive lava within the overworld without the requirement of bees or cross-nether transportation in the early game. Would be beneficial for the TiC smeltery as well as for early cobbleworks setups. Technically isn't super useful to most players at first glance, but would help as a fixated lava source in future automation.

Your Vision

Honestly with how we have the existence of waterline, I could definitely see in the future a sister processing line for lava. We really don't have an actual passive lava generator in the pack unless you use phosphor from bees. Sure, the nether exists, but it is stationary/non-renewable more closer to oil than something like water at the current moment.

Said lavaline could even be an extension of cobbleworks, all things considered. And with compressed cobble being the main method of lava conversion, and higher tiers yielding more lava, it would actually give cobble compression more value outside of just bedrockium, deep dark portal blocks, and the one mana lens recipe. There's also some of the EHE processing using lava like for superheated steam or pahoehoe lava.

Final Checklist

  • I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying I like this feature please reconsider adding it will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
  • I believe there is nothing similar in the pack already, or the existing solution isn't good enough.
  • I understand this change request may not attract enough attention and thus not be implemented.
  • I understand this change request may be rejected due to other community members thinking it's inappropriate.
  • I believe this feature would make the pack better.

passive lava available before even the non-passive option of pumping the Nether? that doesnt really fit at all.


passive lava available before even the non-passive option of pumping the Nether? that doesnt really fit at all.

was aiming it to be somewhat at the same time but being generally mad inefficient compared to the nether, considering poor lava ratios. 1000 cobblestone (or 810 if double compressed) vs going to the nether and getting a bucket. more something to do with excess cobble per se, at least during that point in time.


Maybe make that in early tiers it use a lot of stone dust to produce a bit of lava, so you can use the ones provided by ore processing, then as tiers of energy goes up you can use cobble and each tier one level up of compressed cobble:
Steam, Lv, Mv: stone dust, low lava gen
Hv: cobble, small lava gem
Ev: compressed cobble
Also it could consume lava passively as well as steam or energy so you spend a litle of lava to produce more by smelting cobble


Maybe make that in early tiers it use a lot of stone dust to produce a bit of lava, so you can use the ones provided by ore processing, then as tiers of energy goes up you can use cobble and each tier one level up of compressed cobble: Steam, Lv, Mv: stone dust, low lava gen Hv: cobble, small lava gem Ev: compressed cobble ... Also it could consume lava passively as well as steam or energy so you spend a litle of lava to produce more by smelting cobble

hm, that might be smart, but it's hard to figure what a ratio would be for dust to lava that is worse than 1:1 for cobble (since I think 1:1 and then the bonuses using compressed makes sense).

locking it behind lava kinda defeats the purpose of it arguably? It's not really meant to require lava as a prereq, more that it's a passive but inefficient alternative to the nether at mid steam age and then later on becomes more convenient due to compressed.


I know that the lava thing is more an issue for gog but requiring lava to produce more lava solves the problem of this being more powerful than extracting it from the nether, if requiring lava is an issue it could be solved by using a lot of other heated fluid ( steam) for for example stone dust


I know that the lava thing is more an issue for gog but requiring lava to produce more lava solves the problem of this being more powerful than extracting it from the nether, if requiring lava is an issue it could be solved by using a lot of other heated fluid ( steam) for for example stone dust

I don't see it as being more powerful than the nether is the thing. Nether is a sea full of lava where you'd need at least 810 cobblestone to make the same as a single bucket (not to mention added cost through compression, process time, steam, etc.).

But yeah the idea here would be the multi would be a steel structure base, steam power and cobble input for lava output. Compressed yields more lava per cobble but it would still need 2x just to make 100L per instance. 3x+ (1kL per) would be exclusive to HV+ anyways due to implosion compressor.