GT New Horizons

GT New Horizons


Show Laser hatches EU throughput with the scanner.

CookieBrigade opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Your GTNH Discord Username


Your Pack Version


Your Proposal

When scanned laser hatches show their voltage and amperage, and they should show their eu total throughput as well.

Your Goal

At some point (nano forge & dtpf), voltage and amperage individually stop mattering for a lot of recipes and all that matters is raw eu.

Having the scanner tell you the throughput would make amperage limiting much easier to manage since I could much more quickly get feedback on how much eu is missing for recipes/overclocks instead of having to do
= 65536 * 16384
in chat to figure out my current eu throughput.

Your Vision

A more Immediate feedback over doing chore calculations would be much more enjoyable experience for the pack.

Final Checklist

  • I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying I like this feature please reconsider adding it will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
  • I believe there is nothing similar in the pack already, or the existing solution isn't good enough.
  • I understand this change request may not attract enough attention and thus not be implemented.
  • I understand this change request may be rejected due to other community members thinking it's inappropriate.
  • I believe this feature would make the pack better.