GT New Horizons

GT New Horizons


Inertial Fusion Laser Chamber (IFLC)

mamiemru opened this issue · 1 comments


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Your Proposal

Inertial Fusion Laser Chamber

Your Goal

Endgame fusion reactor
Idea by mamie

Your Vision

The idea of the IFLC is to reduce the spam of compact fusion mk5 in the late game, this multi is a proof of concept of something we all know, fusion, but another way of achieving this objective.

In real life, there are 2 types of fusion, Inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and Magnetic confinement fusion (MCF), both turn matter into plasma, often Deuterium and Tritium info Helium plasma to generate energy at the end.

The MCR can be found in real life named Tokamak, it works by injection of Deuterium and Tritium in a magnetic field, it looks like a Donut, the atoms are spinning faster and faster until fusion occurred. In Game, all fusion looks like a donut, so I conclude the process used in the lore is the MCR.
The ICF can be also found in real life named Laser MégaJoule. It blasts a tiny cell with a high burst of energy to start the fusion process.

During the Endgame you have 2 ways of making fusion, the first is by using fusion (FR) (or compact) fusion reactor, the second is by using the Helio Thermal Plasma Fabricator of the gorge (HTPF). Both can create most plasmas of the game. For example: using FR you can turn Boron plasma and Calcium plasma into Neon plasma. Using HTPF you can turn Neon into Neon plasma.

The gorge is a very powerful machine, it’s natural to switch most recipes from the FR to the HTPF. But there are some recipes that still require FR, the main reason is the absence of dust/ore/ingot recipe.

There is a list of the fluid/plasma I know that I still make in FR and why:

  • Molten Duranium: There is no ore. The only way is by FR
  • Molten Tritanium: VM in DeepDark can mine ore but the yield is too small for the required amount.
  • Molten Americium: same as tritanium
  • Americium plasma: Produced by EOH, I don’t think I need this pattern anymore.
  • Rubidium: same as above
  • Molten Rhugnor: There is no other way.
  • Celestial Tungsten plasma: it’s just a backup, you can get it elsewhere
  • Metastable oganesson: there is 2 FR recipes
  • Oganesson: there is only one way, FR
  • Molten sunnarium: there are many ways to get sunnarium (bees, molecular transformers) but the fusion is the best way, it produces a colossal amount for free.
  • Molten Californium: there are only 2 FR recipes
  • Molten Curium: only one FR recipe
  • Neptunium Plasma: no other way than FR
  • Fermium Plasma: no other way than FR

These fluids cannot be done with gorge. My idea is not to create ores deposits or create recipes and move these fluids into the gorge. It would be too easy. So, my first idea was to ask for a compact fusion reactor MK6, Bigger, faster, stronger. But its not the best idea to add another boring OP donut that can subtick 1M of fluids.
That's why when I was out on my bike in the rain, weaving between cars, going from my house to my bachata party, I got the thought of my years of studies. There are 2 ways of making Helium plasma. MCR and ICF. We already have a tone of donuts that simulate MCR. But nothing about ICF.

Introducing the IFLC.

This multi should be unlockable in UMV, just after the Eye of Harmony Tier 1. Let me explain why:

  • Upgrading the EOH is a boring and long Task, that’s why the quest book tell “Welcome to the waiting lounge”. My idea is to provide something to do when waiting for WDM BDM. It will not fully fill the time between EOH T1 and T9 but it’s a start, In the future we can fill the remaining waiting time with other stuff to do.
  • The second reason I want to put this multi here is because the EOH will produce a lot of the Plasma of the FR. So, the fusion management changes when upgrading the EOH. That’s why I want to start the transition from the FR to the IFLC here. Making the FR less and less used until its complete dismantling.

The multi will be split into modules:

The Amplification Lines:
The length of the multi will be 48 Blocks, a long one yes with some lenses hatch, energy input and laser beam output.
These lines will handle the creation and the containment of a laser beam, it will require a huge amount of energy to boot and a bit of energy to maintain the beam inside. In the multi special lenses that are used, these lenses are required to create and maintain the beam, otherwise the beam disappears. These lenses have damage value, they will decrease with the uses, they can break and can alter the Amplification process. If more than 50% of the lenses are missing, the beam will disappear. The damage is also important to watch, there will be multiples lenses across the multi, the optimal settings of the lenses will be a curve like this:

               15% - 25% - 45% - 65% - 85% - 90% - 98% - 90% - 85% - 65% - 45% - 25% - 15%

The higher the lens’ value is, the less it is used.
Lenses can be extracted to be void or repaired then inserted back into the hatch. The multi will allow a short lap of time to swap the lens without altering the beam. The beam will pass through the entire interior of the structure continuously, when hitting a wall it will bounce to the other way. You can design a cool visual render.
The startup process will create a small beam, the beam will be small and slow to move, the speed will be altered by the number of successful travels from the end to the other end of the structure. The strength will change depending on the lenses damages values.
The render should include the Beam strength, the beam speed, the lenses (and damage).
There will be only one type of Lense. One craft.

The Beam, to be at max level for use need to reach 2 milestones:

  • The first is the speed, it need 1Minute to reach its maximum speed by this formula
    o Initial speed: 5km/sec
    o When hitting a wall: += function (speed) => speed*2.
    o Max speed is 10000km/sec, above it will do nothing, a min function is applied to not go above this value.
  • The second is the Strength, it need to reach a threshold otherwise the beam will be counted as lost.
    o Initial Strength: 1u
    o Every Lenses he pass this function will be applied: += function (CurrentLensDamage, OptimalLensDamage) => max(100 -math.abs(OptimalLensDamage - CurrentLensDamage)*1.5, 0) The beam cannot be negative because of the max function.
    o Max Strength is 10000u, above will do nothing, a min function is also applied to not go above this value.

The energy consumption must be high for the first few seconds, lets say 32UMV Amp and will decrease by 1 Amp each seconds until 1UMV, then the multi will constantly ask for 1UMV Amp to maintain the beam.
Beam can stay as long as they want on the module, as long there is some energy to maintain it. A sensor can be plugged to output a redstone signal of 15 if the beam is ready to be launched (has reached the maximum speed and strength) otherwise 0.
The minigame of this multi is to ensure that lenses are present with the optimal damage value.

The Transportation line:
This is not a multi, it’s just another type of pipes to create, I hope we can design something bigger than Lasers or Optical fiber pipes. Pipes cannot split or merge, but they can be bend in other direction using “mirrors”, no pipes loss, no traveling distance.
A special pipe (SP) will be used to extract the beam from the amplification line. It will release the beam on a Redstone signal > 0. A Beam input hatch will be required to plug the pipe to the fusion chamber. the fusion chamber will directly ask all SP if the redstone is > 0 when checking for beams.

Encapsulation chamber:
This multi is basically a fluid caner but use capsules for the fusion chamber, it will require 1UMV Amp and will process anything in 1tick. It should not be something especially slow or complicated, it’s just to match a bit more with real life. The max capacity of a capsule is 1G PER fluid.
It will require 1 input bus, 2 input hatch, exactly one capsule output hatch, a maintenance hatch.

The Fusion Chamber:
The fusion Chamber is a sphere that contains its own controller, maintenance hatch, beam input hatch (max 16), sensor hatch (exactly 1), capsule input hatch (exactly 1), magmatter input hatch (max 1), and 1 ME output hatch (exactly 1, ME is mandatory), control sensor, but not energy hatch.
The maximum amount of beam pipe is 16, it will cover most of the endgame yield (I currently craft the stargate, I know well the plasma requirement for these blocks, the maximum yield will match with these requirements).
Sensor hatch will output redstone signal depending on the number of required beams to craft the plasma. Different recipes will require from 1 to 3 beams to process. If the recipe result is not listed below, the sensor will output 15. Otherwise, 0.

  • Molten Duranium: 1 Beam
  • Advanced nitinol: 1 Beam
  • Molten Tritanium: 1 Beam
  • Molten Americium: 1 Beam
  • Americium plasma: 1 Beam
  • Rubidium: 1 Beam
  • Molten Rhugnor: 2 Beams
  • Celestial Tungsten plasma: 1 Beam
  • Metastable oganesson: 3 Beams
  • Oganesson: 2 Beams
  • Molten sunnarium: 1 Beam
  • Molten Californium: 1 Beam
  • Molten Curium: 2 Beams
  • Astral titanium: 1 Beam
  • Neptunium Plasma: 1 Beam
  • Fermium Plasma: 1 Beam

The Capsule hatch will store the recipe. Only one capsule is allowed per process. Cannot be stacked.
The ME output hatch is mandatory to ensure that all the fluids are outputted without loss.
The control sensor will output Noting as long at anything is right. It will output redstone >0 if the recipe fails for example.
The Magmatter hatch, I will explain it after how the machine works.

The machine will first check if there is a capsule in the capsule hatch. It will check the recipe result and match the sensor redstone signal to the list of recipes result above . Then he will wait for beams. I the code, the chamber will check if any SP is powered by redstone >0.
When he receives any beam he will check if all beams are at max (speed: 10000km/sec, strength: 10000u). any beam that is not maxed out will be void. If the number of beam is below the required beam value the recipe will not start and the beam will be void. If there is more beam that the required beam value all the beam and the capsule will be void. If all requirements are meet, the recipe will be done In 1tick and all the plasma return to the ME output hatch. The capsule is destroyed by the process.
If you send a beam with no capsule to process, the beam is voided.

By default, the machine will process at max 100M of plasma per operation, if the capsule contains more, the rest will be void.

The use of magmatter can increase up to 500M the recipe output consuming all the content of the capsule at once. The amount of magmatter must be precisely measured for all recipes below the MAX. for every 100K of magmetter the recipe produce +100M plasma. You will need 500K of magmetter to run a full capsule.

If the magmetter is provided, a new output is made, “stable-magmetter”. I have uses for this below. The output amount is the same as the input amount.

The task is to launch the required amount of beam for every craft, you will have to manage your beams storage and only use the ones that are maxed out. This puzzle can be solved by computer of Redstone or sfm, it should not be so hard if you use all the sensors.

A good trick for big brain genius is to build more than 16 Amplifications lines and place/break pipes automatically to swap beams that are ready with recharging beams.

As I said above, I have uses for stable-magmatter. This can increase the WDM BDM and universium of the EOH.
Especially, the universium is very very very slow to produce, you will need a lot of AA to match the 26M universium to craft a stargate chevron block. My idea is to boost the output of EOH useful output by inserting stable-magmatter, there is a catch.
The stable-magmatter must be inserted in the EOH in the last 5 seconds of its process, otherwise, no bonus will occur. The amount is the same as Helium or Stellar. If this criterion is met, the EOH will output 30% bonus of WDM or BDM or universium (depending on the recipe) even if the EOH recipe fails:

  • If the OEH fails, it will output Spacetime and 30% of the WDM BDM or universium.
  • If the EOH success, it will output all its output and a 30% WDM BDM or universium bonus.

The lore is: by inserting a stable degenerated matter when the galaxy is collapsing, the matter will merge with all known materials and create a pocket strong enough to save some materials from its annihilation.



The Fluid caner acts as the capsule caner
The blue sphere acts as the Fusion chamber
The rack of rectangle acts as the Amplification modules.

Final Checklist

  • I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying I like this feature please reconsider adding it will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
  • I believe there is nothing similar in the pack already, or the existing solution isn't good enough.
  • I understand this change request may not attract enough attention and thus not be implemented.
  • I understand this change request may be rejected due to other community members thinking it's inappropriate.
  • I believe this feature would make the pack better.

Discussed extensively in discord, we don't think that a UXV alternative for fusion helps the larger issue since it only resolves spam after the point where compact spam is already concluded (since it peaks with metastable oganesson). Instead we will take a long term goal to improve compact fusion reactors to be more interesting to use and reduce plasma overusage