- 0
[BUG] XP exploit
#112 opened by shakroon - 5
[BUG] Memory leak in causing freezing at 99% memory
#111 opened by Dragonyichi - 6
[HELP] Packet 0/14 (b) was larger than I expected, found 58 bytes extra whilst reading packet 14
#110 opened by DuanYuFi - 1
Game stuttering - Memory Leaking
#109 opened by MassiveCrater - 2
[BUG] Duping iron ore
#107 opened by Flamichka - 2
[BUG] Some Loot Crate rewards were broken due to updates.
#104 opened by Flame500 - 2
[BUG] Mirion ingredients don't alloy in tinkers' smeltery.
#98 opened by b0lshevik - 3
[BUG] DimensionalDoors going through doors put you 1 block lower, then falling/death.
#97 opened by EvgenyPoletaev - 2
Black Market Crate loot reward issue
#85 opened by Flame500 - 5
[BUG] Astral sorcery perks wont unlock
#82 opened by Flame1869 - 2
[BUG] Significant decrease in FPS in 1.4.3 vs
#76 opened by sealchan1 - 2
[BUG] multiplayer fatal error
#75 opened by Vojta7022 - 2
[BUG] Capsules can be used to duplicate chests and items,
#70 opened by Anacromacia - 3
Dank Null Memory Leak/Freeze (Multiplayer)
#69 opened by Gibbles96 - 1
[BUG] Describe the bug in a single sentence
#67 opened by therealbill - 1
[BUG] Mortar & Pestle to make pulverized coal
#61 opened by Flame1869 - 2
Serverpack for 1.4.3
#60 opened by feathecutie - 2
o modpack está crashando
#58 opened by EpiritoPoderoso - 1
Cyclic XP duplication
#45 opened by incomingnerd - 1
Optifine takes like half of fps.
#44 opened by HeraldRejn - 2
AmbientSounds 3 causing game freezes during thunderstorms
#41 opened by incomingnerd - 2
TreeChop and FutureMC sweet berry bush IllegalArgumentException, 1.4.2 Beta
#40 opened by incomingnerd - 3
[BUG] Ancient Warfare crafting with Mystical Agriculture crystal causes crash
#24 opened by ZeroHearts - 2
- 2
[BUG] Molten Chestplate causes max ram usage and crash
#22 opened by Birdtalon - 6
Game crashes on loading
#21 opened - 2
Java Error: Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException
#19 opened by JDittmerCOM - 3
1.4.1 tree chop mod breaks Industrial foregoing plant gatherer tree farm
#17 opened by Dagarath915 - 0
Infinite hovering arrow that didnt despawn
#16 opened by octaninc