Suggestion: Assembler recipes for Cauldron, Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy)
Exaxxion opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Most hand tool recipes seem to have assembler alternatives, but strangely there aren't ones for Cauldron and Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy). These are used in the production of drums, which are a useful early-game fluid storage option. Adding these recipes would be useful QoL.
As of 1.2.1 there appear to be no conflicts with using Programmed Circuit to disambiguate these recipes in an assembler. Programmed Circuit setting appears to follow a convention of how many plates are used in the recipe.
Assembling a Bucket is 480 EU @ 16 EU/t over 1.5s (30 ticks). That recipe uses 3 iron plates, so it may be sensible to interpret these values as 16 EU/t for 10 ticks per plate in the recipe.
Suggested assembler recipes following perceived conventions:
Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) = Programmed Circuit (Setting 2), 2x Iron Plate. 320 EU @ 16 EU/t over 1s (20 ticks).
assembler.recipeBuilder().inputs([<gregtech:meta_item_1:12033> * 2]).notConsumable(<gregtech:meta_item_1:32766>.withTag({Configuration: 2})).outputs([<minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate>]).duration(20).EUt(16).buildAndRegister();
Cauldron = Programmed Circuit (Setting 7), 7x Iron Plate. 1120 EU @ 16 EU/t over 3.5s (70 ticks).
assembler.recipeBuilder().inputs([<gregtech:meta_item_1:12033> * 7]).notConsumable(<gregtech:meta_item_1:32766>.withTag({Configuration: 7})).outputs([<minecraft:cauldron>]).duration(70).EUt(16).buildAndRegister();
Edit: corrections to CraftTweaker script. Old ones didn't actually work, new ones confirmed working in game.