


Vanillafix Crash Report w/ EnderIO Redstone + Fluid conduits

TemperedFool opened this issue ยท 2 comments


When working with Redstone Conduits that are sharing blockspace with Redstone Conduits (specifically so I can pull fluid & do RS control of machines, such as chem reactors), Vanillafix pops an error and/or I crash to splash screen w/ the vanillafix error. A sample log is below:

Playing pack version 1.2.1, on MacOSX 10.14.6, with MultiMC as launcher.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have RS and Ender Fluid conduit attached to a machine.
  2. Open GUI for the conduits - it will pop the error at this point.
  3. Bonus - I have seen the crash-to-splash by trying to place a fluid filter in the conduit. I don't have a crash log for that unfortunately.

Closing this issue as it appears to be obsolete for one reason or another. If you think it's a mistake, please comment!


That's because this causes a crash. It's a known enderIO bug, fixed in newer versions.