[Suggestion] Automating Hearts Of The Universe
Kime78 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Currently, to automate the heart of the universe, you need to automate the tier 7,8,9,10 microminers and that is too much work for an item that you need to have hundreds of.
My suggestion is a huge multi-block structure that converts creative tanks into hearts of the universe. As for the chaos shards a multiblock that converts ender dragon pristines into tiny chaos shards would be preferable, the multiblock would require an ultimate power storage block inside.
The first heart is supposed to be an automation challenge. Once you have your first heart, you get access to the creative tank which means infinite of every meltable material in the pack.
The post-tank endgame progression entails revising your crafting to take advantage of this. You have the automation figured out for the miners already and infinite resources to make them with. Revising and scaling up your infrastructure to efficiently produce mass quantities of Hearts needed for the Creative Vending Upgrade is the challenge of endgame.
I do plan to address the waiting around aspects as an AFK simulator isn't enjoyable. I have put some thought into how to address this problem going forward. The major time bottlenecks in endgame are the speeds of Modular Machines and Automation Interfaces.