Consider adding Volumetric Flask
Exaxxion opened this issue · 6 comments
Volumetric Flask (curseforge link) (github link) is an addon mod for AE2 that can handle routing of precise quantities of fluids for autocrafting through specialized interfaces.
This mod is fairly new and was apparently inspired by Omnifactory. If it's sufficiently stable, i.e. has no show-stopping bugs, this sounds like it could be really useful as a QoL improvement for on-demand crafting certain recipes with fluid components (it would still be ideal to build up infrastructure and have dedicated processing for pre-stocking as before).
Integration would at minimum require "Gregging" the recipes and adding questbook entries for the relevant aspects, if we choose to include it.
Hmm I was thinking the recipes would show the flasks needed. The alternative of having to add them to each recipe manually which considering then number of recipes, the need to cherry pick the correct vials etc. each time would be considerable.
I’m referencing this from the mods curseforge content: “ Second, compose an Encoded Pattern, and put it in the Volumetric Interface. Note that we need two 144 Volumetric Flask to meet demand.”.
That sounds very manual (but maybe I’m wrong)... For what could easily be 100s or 1000s of recipes. For example I have approx 11 assemblers grouped into around 5 liquid types, each assembler has 1 interface that’s on average 1/2 to 3/4 full... so that’s say 60+ recipes for one machine type... add blasts, chem reactors, mixers. autoclave sure and the number would be a lot. We rely quite heavily on JEI when setting it up. Unless we want to regress to early AE days.
Kinda sounds like a
- Install and let people play with but have no real dependency to progress, or
- An ‘all in’ approach ie recipes pre-configured - a lot of work. or
- Have the mod updated to auto include flasks in recipes based on current JEI fluid needs (which sounds quite painful to develop)
Gregging is altering the recipes to use ingredients relevant to the pack and intended introduction point.
Re: AtomicGrog - It's not much more work than creating the other processing patterns, really. You just need to make a VF of the right quantity and include that in the pattern. It's still preferable to use dedicated fluid stocking than this approach in the long run, but this kind of thing could be helpful until you have the resources to scale up. I think this is most useful if it can be used acceptably on GTCE multiblocks, as their fluid input hatches do not allow you to extract the contents by any means (except voiding it by breaking the block).
Interesting. Would ‘Gregging’ the recipes include a second recipe with a volumetric flask? We’d still need the current for dedicated ie current machine setups and prior to using this proposed mod.
Interesting. Would ‘Gregging’ the recipes include a second recipe with a volumetric flask? We’d still need the current for dedicated ie current machine setups and prior to using this proposed mod.
This just allows you to push exact quantities of a liquid into machines, it wouldn't alter any existing recipes or existing product lines. Gregging is altering the recipes to use ingredients relevant to the pack and intended introduction point.
Wouldn't AE2 Fluid Crafting be suited better, same basic principle but it has less item's and IMO looks less complex?