


ULV and LV machine hulls not craftable with powered wrench

Exaxxion opened this issue · 8 comments


Reported in Discord, independently confirmed by me.

This arises from the recipes not using <ore:craftingToolWrench>, instead having the basic wrench specified directly. Shows up for me as an Aluminium Wrench.


#327 Wasn't as easy it seemed, needed a workaround.


That redundant recipe was intentional, for some odd reason, regular wrenches are not recognized as ore:craftingToolWrench


2020-02-05_01 04 17
2020-02-05_01 04 51

I tested this before I committed the changes. Works perfectly fine. These screenshots are taken minutes ago from an instance made straight from your fork.


Interesting... on further inspection it seems like the only wrench that is recognized is the Darmstadtium one from JEI. Made some other wrenches like wrought iron and it would not craft 🤔


I was just about to comment that, on top of that, only undamaged darmstadtium one works.

Albeit it seems all the electric ones work.


Yeah the recipe is caring needlessly about the NBT on the wrench. I'll look into it further to see what the deal is.


If you figure something out, you can apply it to #292 as well, because I removed the ore dict wrench in favor of getting it to craft will all regular wrenches, damaged or undamaged, without respect to material. It might just be easiest to add in another recipe, specifically specifying the powered wrench, instead of trying to figure out the ore dict weirdness with the wrenches.


Yeah, while I kinda hate having clumsy workarounds in place, separate recipes that actually work is preferable to the alternative. I feel like there's gotta be a better way to fix it than that, but it's sufficient for now.