


[Suggestion] Adding a way to get Ink or Black Dye

Thegoodmen opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Like in the title there is now good way to get a huge load of black dye or ink.
Befor asking: Would like to do more with colering with title tiles and also crafting grey concret on a much much bigger scale.


Huh, we actually don't seem to have an issue for that yet. Weird.


A cheapish omnicoin recipie like there is for cactus is probably the most obvious solution.


Huh. I had ideas like a modular machine, and while that'd be cooler... yeah, omnicoin recipe is a far simpler idea.




They should re-activate the lens of color. I don't get why it was removed.


It was probably removed because it can be used to get Lapis more easily.


The lens was almost certainly disabled for that reason, yes. We don't intend to have the AA lenses obtainable for both balancing reasons and because it's not how we want players to solve problems in the pack.

I agree there's not a great means of automating black dye right now. I'd be fine with enabling the organic black dye from EnderIO, as that would be relatively simple to get (coal dust and slime balls, both of which have DML sources you'll make already). The dye is really only used for cosmetics and select QoL type things (Dark Steel Enchanter book and quills, for one). We would of course have to add its recipe to the GTCE alloy smelter instead of the EIO one.

I'm not really keen on adding another DML model for something this niche. Adding recipes for Black Lotus in the Phytogenic Insolator also makes sense to me; can grow pretty much everything else in that.


We have DML for white, lapis for blue, and phytogenic insolator for flowers/cactus that make dyes in every other base colour except black. I think a phytogenic insolator recipe for that black flower from actually additions would make sense.


A simple solution would be to add coal/charcoal/carbon dusts to dyeBlack, I peeked through the recipe list and there aren't any recipe collisions.