Multiplayer duplication
MrStefanW opened this issue ยท 10 comments
Confirm it works, I'm playing with him and we were crafting machines and found out the dupe bug when I intercepted his item while it was being crafted.
Can confirm, tested multiple times, some blocks and items from ae2 such as interfaces, patterns, crafting storages, storage discs , GT wires are all examples of infinitely dupable items.
Other items such as machines are dupable once so 1 = 2
@Damien-Reave I think RealBench is causing this problem, it allows other players to see your crafting process. You might want to contact the developer of this mod, and in the meantime remove the mod from the modpack til it is fixed
Removed RealBench for 1.0.5 but I can't test if that changes anything in my single player testbed world.
I'll leave the report open so people can test on servers if removal of RealBench fixed things.
I launched a server with RealBench only, and have Minecraft only run RealBench aswell. The 1.0.4 exploit is caused by RealBench, I do have no clue what happened in 1.0.5 that made duplication even easier, but removing RealBench will solve the duplication exploit.
I notice that RealBench-1.12.2-1.3.3 wasn't actually removed in the 1.0.5 update, which is probably why the glitch still persists.
Yea same with issue #429