Crafting a Basic Satchel doesn't complete the satchel quest
f-raZ0R opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Note: if you need general tech support for things like server configuration, Discord is a better venue. Please open an issue only if there is a clear bug with the pack or if you have been asked to by one of the Discord staff.
Pack Version:
Replace this text with a clear and concise description of what the bug is, so we know what the problem is.
Expected Behavior:
Replace this text with a clear and concise description of what the correct behavior would be.
Steps To Reproduce:
Replace this text with steps to reproduce the behavior, if applicable. We need to know how to encounter this bug ourselves to we can diagnose it.
Crash Log:
If your client crashed as a result of this bug, please upload the generated crash log. This is found in your launcher's Omnifactory profile (aka instance) in a folder called crash-reports
. If there was no crash, but instead an error screen, please upload your latest.log
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
help me i'm too lazy to replace the rest of these texts
If you're unwilling to provide the most basic details to diagnose the bug, why even file a report?
That said, it seems your issue is already resolved so I'm closing this...