T7 Miner quest missing draconic fusion requirement
ALongStringOfNumbers opened this issue ยท 2 comments
The T7 miner quest should be dependent upon the quest for wyvern fusion (329) as you need fusion of that tier to make the miner, and it will give more indication to the player of what the miner requires.
Upon further investigation, it appears that both the T7 and T8 rely on draconic injectors, as those are required for the Advanced Dislocators needed for the Warp Engine component.
My initial thought is that we should make both the T7 and T8 depend on the draconic injector quest. This will allow for a transitive dependency through the T8 quest to the chaotic injector quest, so we can remove the direct dependency. That affords us some flexibility by letting us reposition the draconic injector quest.
T8 currently has no dependency on the T7 quest, but to run its mission for chaos shards requires the T7 chaos guardian data mission. If we introduce a dependency to the T7 quest we would have to reorganize the section a bit more; perhaps switching the positions of the LMP and T7 quests. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this part, @OmnifactoryDevs/devs .
As mentioned, having both the dependency for the T7 and T8 miner quests on the Draconic injectors would be a fine solution for me, although would most likely require some rearranging of the quests in that area to make the dependency lines look ok.
Even though I brought up having the T8 quest depend on the T7 quest, I am unsure if this dependency would make sense, as there is a T8 mission you can launch without first launching a T7 mission to gather the required data. However, since this mission is a relatively bad mission, and will not be many people's first use of the T8, a dependency on the T7 mission could be fine as well.