


Rework Implosion Compressor quest

Exaxxion opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The Implosion Compressor quest is currently off in a side of the Late Game page with no links to any other quests (except its dependency on The First Tier Three Circuits).

The Fusion Mk1 Controller requires a Fusion Coil, which needs Neutron Reflectors, which in turn require Reinforced Iridium Alloy plates. These plates can only be made in an Implosion Compressor. We should add an explicit dependency between it and Fusion Mk1, and perhaps move the Implosion Compressor quest so players are aware earlier that they will need it to get into fusion.

It is also relevant, but not required, for the nearby Wyvern Cores quest since you need Sapphires for empowering the Palis Crystal ingredient. Besides cooking the ores directly in a furnace, Sapphires can only be made from their dusts in an Implosion Compressor.

It might even make sense to put the Implosion Compressor far earlier in the quest book, since its material cost is essentially mid-MV. Players need to make dynamite with Glyceryl Trinitrate, or TNT with gelled toluene. This places the machine itself at approximately the same progression point as the distillation tower, and TNT / dynamite around where we have the epoxy quests in Midgame.

Following this line of thought, it would perhaps also be useful to add a quest for TNT that mentions the sources (and importance) of Toluene so players start to stock up on it, and have this quest precede the Implosion Compressor. Alternately a dynamite quest if players want to go the glyceryl trinitrate route, or just a single quest requiring either TNT or Dynamite to complete it.


We could move the Implosion compressor quest to be directly connected to the T3 circuits quest, aka just next to the MV assembler quest, and then mention that it will not be required for a while, but I think that this is a bad point because the chemistry section for epoxy/cetane is not on the same page and therefore could lead to players attempting to make things slightly out of order.

I would recommend near that epoxy/diesel section that we have a quest for Dynamite or Tnt, since the glycerol quest is there, which is one of the ways of making Glycerol Trinitrate for the dynamite, but also the oil quests are there, which could be used for making toluene.

As for the eventual place of the Implosion Compressor, we can move it directly above the Wyvern Core quest, between the Plasma and Dark Soularium jetplate quest, and make the wyvern core quest depend on the Implosion Compressor, which in itself would depend on the new Dynamite or TNT quest. Moving to this place would allow us to draw a direct dependency line between the Implosion Compressor and the Wyvern Core, without it looking pretty ugly.